Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Ok I just went to CBS's website and am actually watching the promo on there and this is what I gather so far Clavo is a SVU and says something like 5 minutes of air left. Eric and Horatio are popping a truck of a car (or the criminals start gun fire and shot at the car first) and then it explodes and followed by gun fire showing Eric getting shot in the leg and then he starts to fall I replied it so many times. His gun is not pointing at him it is pointing at the other guys. It then shows him rolling in pain on his back and the gun is not in his hand. It then shows him reaching for his gun and it shows his hand on one of his legs and the other still reaching for the gun. From what it seems like he hasn't been shot in the head yet.
Someone made a good point above that it might be a ricochet that gets him in the head....which would make more sense since he is going ultimately survive being shot in the head. Unfortunately and believe me I replayed the promo over and over too it doesn't show him being shot in the head but, and this is where the ricochet theory comes in, he obviously falls to the ground after being shot in the leg so through deduction he must get shot in the head after he falls to the ground.

Again, this is my perception of things so I could be totally wrong :D
xoLimeKissesxo said:
I know this cause this morning on the early show, Adam Rodriguez talked about the scene where he gets shot in the leg and him jamming his finger on his gun.Then David Caruso mentioned that Delko gets shot in the head and they come close to losing him.

Hi, and welcome to the forums!!!
I'm going to be looking for the moment when he jams his finger after watching that interview.
*rubs head*

That hurt...

Oh. I'm so excited.

Mostly I'm just excited to see how the rest of the team reacts to Eric getting shot. There's got to be follow through if he lives, epsecially when he lives. I want tears, damn it, TEARS! Mostly from Calliegh, though.

You know for a fact H will be all strong, 'stay with me, stay with me Eric!' but I want some emotion other then anger and vengence. I want sadness, releif, happiness. There's been way too much tenison, anger, and depresion rolling around in the lab.

Someone needs to get a clown in there already, cheer the lab up a little.

I have a question... How, exactly, could a person die from being shot in the leg, considering we're still not sure if he does get in the face... Oh, God, not the face. His face is so pretty. Do you think they'll write the scar into the show? They should do that... Sorry, babbling and off my topic.

Anyway, the whole dying thing... All I can think of is that he gets in that artery or vein in the leg and starts to bleed to death. Wouldn't it be super if Ryan or Calleigh donated blood for him. I think I'm thinking a little too ahead of myself.

I should go put some ice on my head or something.

We are sure he gets shot in the head, because David Caruso said so on the Early show this morning. But yes I need some ice as well. 6 hours! 6. hours Yes I would love it is Calleigh or Ryan donated blood for him! Or H! (I don't know if H has normal blood- maybe it's super blood- he never bleeds. OK, well Under Suspicion...)
2 and a half hours to go over here on the east coast!! I can't wait for this ep....I have butterflies!! In "Man Down" when Ryan Calleigh arrive at the hospital they do offer to donate blood. Which I think is really great. Hopefully this storyline will bring the team back together...they've been fragmented lately, all off doing their own thing so I am hoping this brings them back to being a unit and not just a group of people
what... Horatio doesnt offer blood?! thats pretty not like him... or did he like go on his journey of revenge and in the same time o the rescue for that court lady?
On The early show David Caruso states that he comes close to dying but he does not. Thank God.
edited to add spoiler code
Hour and Half on the East Coast.

I got my ice cream and stoufers mac and cheese. I am ready and waiting.

But I don't how much longer I can wait.

I was thinking while shopping... What if there's a warm-touchy-feely moment between Calliegh and Ryan. I'm not talking about shipper either, just that commrodery thing, that friend thing.

A hug. A hand on a shoulder.

That would be so nice to see again. I totally think the team needs that again. It's been too long.

But we all know, Horatio will overshadow everything in his quest for vengence.

Hey, and have we forgotton all about Alex in this? What's going on with her?

OMG you all are so lucky. Still 4.5 hours (so i have plenty of time to get out the cookies and tissues) I'm going to lock the door to the TV room and yell at anyone who makes a sound! I have to put my little sister to bed at 8:30 and then I'll place myself at the edge of the couch and scream until it comes on! (and squeel while it's on!) I CAN'T WAIT!
Alexx? Nothing much, just almost being killed by a rocketlauncher. Typical day in Miami. :D
one hour here!!!... lol i dont eat while i watch csi miami... the chewing disturbs me i just have a pillow to strangle wen things get tense
MegantheMonster said:
...You know for a fact H will be all strong, 'stay with me, stay with me Eric!' but I want some emotion other then anger and vengence. I want sadness, releif, happiness. There's been way too much tenison, anger, and depresion rolling around in the lab...
^I cut the post a bit so I wouldn't be taking up tons of room so my apologies.

Anyway, I personally would love to hear H say the usual, "Okay. Alright. HERE WE GO.", that would be fabulous. :lol:

I firmly stand by my richochet theory! Like someone else said it would make sense that he lives. Something has to happen surgery wise though (me thinks), because that would explain his shaved head now. Unless... he did it for other reasons that I'm oblivious to.

I personally cannot wait to see what happens with Alexx as well. I think she is such a great actress when it comes to showing the emotion and fear. And she's such a strong woman. Yayyyy. Less than an hour to go! :D
one theory of mine since it is csi miami and i do consider them one of my shows i watch as a show that puts a whole another meaning to cliffhangers that they will probably do something with the shootout or something. and i got a feeling since the guys shooting basically have to work for clavo or something they seem him down eric and they decide to take him out. dang i watch to many cop shows ok but yea i seen that done a lot. i mean if clavo hired these guys are or are just clavo's men that work for them. i got a feeling he probably told them to kill any of them if they have the oppirunity (misspelled). i mean h has been getting in clavo's way all the time it seems like something clavo would say. i guess we have to wait. i hope i am wrong.
MegantheMonster said:
I have a question... How, exactly, could a person die from being shot in the leg, considering we're still not sure if he does get in the face...
Well, if the bullet hits the femoral artery, then he could bleed out...On shows like this, people die from that all the time...like in the ep Wet Foot/Dry Foot.