Episode #508 'Darkroom' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Here's one of the two things I want out of this episode.
Remember in Curse of the Coffin (episode 506) there was a BANG in the lab where Natalia was??? Well, Natalia told Calleigh that all 12 samples in the centrifuge came in contact with her skin. Then towards the end Natalia told Horatio that it'd be about week before she'd have the results of the test to see if any of those 12 samples affected her in some negative way. Well, maybe somewhere in this episode will be a week since that happened and we'll find out.
Here's the second thing I want out of this episode.
I want it to be as good as the episodes RIO, GOING UNDER, DEATH POOL 100, DEATH EMINENT, CURSE OF THE COFFIN and HIGH OCTANE. Notice I did NOT include IF LOOKS COULD KILL??? Well...I didn't like it. *yawn* It was boring.
*wants episode to be over so she can stop walking on eggshells trying to bash the Boa Vista sisters without belittling the RL story of Eva LaRue & her sister*
HOLD IT! I missed something-how does Natalia know that it's her sister from the tollbooth? I know her sister's picture was one of the ones in the vault, but...?

EDIT: God Erica's a bitch; what'd she say after Ryan said releasing the info could get her killed?
She saw her sister's pic in the pics Ryan found in that safe. Natalia then went to the DNA lab and grabbed a swab and swabbed the inside of her mouth. Then she had Valera compare it to the DNA from the blood on the tollbooth bill. She saw the results and THAT'S when she knew it was her sister.

Tommy Boyer: Cirroc Lofton

Cirroc played Jake Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Nice to someone from one of my CANCELLED favorite shows working. Hardly recognize him with the slick, shiny bald head. I had to check this thread to see if that was him.
Not bad overall, and I dug the flashing lights for the final showdown (hell for those w/ epilepsy though).
ACW1129 said:
Ah, thanks Carolyn. Also, I loved hearing Calleigh smack down Erica.

:lol: Yeah that was great. What'd she say exactly? Was is, '...ok sweetpea?' or '...got it sweetpea?' Whatever it was it was great. :p
Raven04 said:
was that jake who shot at calliegh in the previews?

A reminder that discussions of upcoming episodes need to take place in the Spoiler Lab thread until such time that a thread is open for the specific episode. Thanks. :)

ACW1129...check this thread. It's the episode review for 'Going Under', it explians who Jake is. :)
ACW1129 said:
Raven04 said:
was that jake who shot at calliegh in the previews?
Who's Jake again?

I was talking about Cirroc Lofton's Star Trek: Deep Space 9 character Jake Sisko. That's the Jake I was referring to.

Carolyn318 said
Tommy Boyer: Cirroc Lofton

Cirroc played Jake Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Nice to someone from one of my CANCELLED favorite shows working.
I'm totally in agreement about the climax scene. I'm not epilectic, but I do have a sort of high functioning autism thing and bright raplid flashes drive me insane.

I liked that they showed the real pictures at the end, with so many watching the show, it'll get the word, or pics in this case, out to a lot more people.