Episode #502 'Going Under' **CONTAINS SPOILERS***

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midnight_tiptoes said:
Ryan: Aw, dammit, I got orange juice all over my shirt.
Natalia: Listen to me, Ryan. We WILL get that stain out of your shirt. My husband once beat me up with a gallon of orange juice... That... Oh, God... that orange paint just got everywhere...
Ryan: That... explains a lot.

*rolls on the floor laughing* oh so that's why she looks orange! :lol: it's not due to self tanning lotion abuse !! it's the husband's fault again ! :lol:

first she's a CSI, then she "steals" Ryan's screentime... what's gonna happen next ?
I read Cooper helped out on a crime scene ? Well they should have made HIM a csi then, at least he's funny.
This was a pretty good episode! Wolfe looked very nice, I think. Though there wasn't that much of him in it. :(

Anyone else find Calleigh's ex a pretty cool guy? I liked his character for some reason and he wasn't that bad looking himself. ;)

I laughed alot (half the time I actually tried to refrain from it to keep my mom from looking at me like a nutcase) during this ep. Especially when Calleigh's butt was in Tripp's face. I wonder how Rex Lin(n?) felt about that. :lol:

This season is looking better than last season already and it's only two episodes in! This season looks alot more action-packed. That's pretty cool, imo. :)

Edit: Oh and I'm sick of Boa Vista's crap, too. No one's obviously giving her any pity or sympathy so she should just shut up..I dislike her immensely and am angered at the fact she became a CSI.
Somehow, the biker gang theme made me think of the latest CSI Novel-Snake Eyes! At least they gave them differnt names!

Ryan is finally not being made into Delko's flunkie--GOOD! Make Cooper his flunkie instead.

The Calleigh scenes were great. Her ex-love-interest Jake seemed a bit too stock-cookie-cutter type... he reminded me of Eric from "Head of the Class" for some weird reason too!

When Calleig's bottom was practically in Frank's face, I almost expected him to belt out the Monty Python "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me!" song!!!

Not too bad--kind of stock, but I liked the Calleigh centric episode.

And yep, Boa Vista needs to stop going on about being abused. Enough already! It's unprofessional in the context she mentions it.
holy crap. i think i may just have died due to excess flailing and squeeing.

being an avid horatio/rick shipper and seeing that quote does that to you.

Great episode.

Lucky, lucky Rex.......(re the bunk-up scene)

Anyway, the episode was ruined by the editing......some of those effects made me feel queasy.......too much jump-cutting and kaleidoscopic effects
i thought this ep was alot better than Rio. and was it just me or did everybody else hear calleigh call ryan "babe". you know, when he says, "Calleigh, I'm really glad you're ok." and then she says "thanks, babe." at least it sounded like babe . . . i was grinning from ear to ear, it made me happy to hear that. (if that's really what i heard :D)
I wasn't sure what I heard because I was digging into the bad of Doritos at the time, but I put a word there that sounded like Babe... So, yeah, that creeped me out.

Way too much pet name calling and way too much touchy-feely and just... too much affection.

*season five bunny sticks finger down throat*
Calleigh episode. Kickass.
I love Calleigh. Finally she getting an episode and they didn't even make her look stupid :D

I'm worried that I start to like Snake Lady, or go to "she's ok" nwo that she's CSI. As long she drops the "my ex abused me" crap.
I mean, I've waited for another female CSI, since they've been short on CSIs (since H only does the interviews 'n stuff). but being a mole and upgrading to be a CSI? Wow.
That was bit wrong. Anyways.. she's still on my "dislike" list.

Why Calleigh waited for so long before breaking the glass? She was just going deeper... :rolleyes:

Then quick notes

-Frank so looked at Calleigh's ass!
-I'm not slash person, but I swear there was sexual tension between Rick and H when they were staring each other after H said "So do you help me or not?" :eek:
-Calleigh's make-up was perfect even she had been in the water. I want make-up like that.

Then something made me mad. Again, it was said "they sell guns to terrorists" and these terrorists were Palestanian army. WHy not Israel? oh, they are buddies with USA. Why not some other small community that is hostile e.g. towards the own country government? Why not to Sudan government? :rolleyes:

But man, quite good eppy :D

Calleigh <3
Mrs_Togo said
first she's a CSI, then she "steals" Ryan's screentime

I may have to disagree with you on that. I don't think Boa Vista is stealing anyone's screen time. There plenty of times where I didn't see my favorite character in every scene, and I didn't blame a charater I disliked. But anyhow, to each his/her own. :D

And Ducky, I agree, he was SO looking at her ass. :p And I do agree with you about the Stetler/Horatio tension as well. Oh boy!

*sigh* I really loved this episode. It's an episode I'll definitely watch again, and that's saying something.
DaWacko said:
Calleigh episode. Kickass.
I love Calleigh. Finally she getting an episode and they didn't even make her look stupid :D

I'm worried that I start to like Snake Lady, or go to "she's ok" nwo that she's CSI. As long she drops the "my ex abused me" crap.
I mean, I've waited for another female CSI, since they've been short on CSIs (since H only does the interviews 'n stuff). but being a mole and upgrading to be a CSI? Wow.
That was bit wrong. Anyways.. she's still on my "dislike" list.

Why Calleigh waited for so long before breaking the glass? She was just going deeper... :rolleyes:

Then quick notes

-Frank so looked at Calleigh's ass!
-I'm not slash person, but I swear there was sexual tension between Rick and H when they were staring each other after H said "So do you help me or not?" :eek:
-Calleigh's make-up was perfect even she had been in the water. I want make-up like that.

Then something made me mad. Again, it was said "they sell guns to terrorists" and these terrorists were Palestanian army. WHy not Israel? oh, they are buddies with USA. Why not some other small community that is hostile e.g. towards the own country government? Why not to Sudan government? :rolleyes:

But man, quite good eppy :D

Calleigh <3

With Calliegh and the water- I think she was waiting for everything to level out, sometimes the glass won't break, you have to wait at the right time to break the glass. That's what I thought, maybe shock
I loved the ep. Was glad they didn't make Calleigh a victim but, you could see this look like ok what am I gonna do now? Oh no, the evidenced is compromised. Then to hear H call her sweetheart. That was sooooo touching. Reminded me of S1-2. Then to hear her call Ryan babe. That was just out of this world. lol. Watching Franks face while looking at Calleighs butt was just way to much. Acting like he was embarrassed. lol. It was all in all a very good ep. Have to agree it was better than Rio. That ep should've been a 2-parter. Someone made a comment somewhere about how DC had aged over the summer. I hadn't noticed really. He still looks hot to me. Besides we all age sometime. LOL
My favourite parts:

- Very sweet scene at the beginning of the episode. Signs of the old, caring H there. It reminded me of when H called Alexx 'Sweetheart' in 'Slow Burn'. He was very protective and concerned. I like seeing him this way. :)

- The scene between H and Rick was wonderful! More of the same please! :devil:

- Laugh out loud moment when Frank lifted Calleigh up, as has been mentioned several times.

- The final scene when H said to Jake, "I had a brother who crossed to the dark side and never came back." Yes! Some continuity at last. :D

- I would be very happy to see Johnny Whitworth again! ;) I hope the writers have more planned for his character and this wasn't just a one off.
There's 4 things I wanna say about this episode that some of you...well...may wanna throw something at me after I say a couple of them.

#1. I can't believe it myself but...I realized during this episode that I'm...*gulp*...starting to like Natalia. SOMEONE SLAP ME PLEASE!!!
*ducks from objects thrown by Natalia haters*

#2. Horatio called Calleigh "sweetheart".

#3. Calleigh called Ryan "babe". After he told her he was glad she was okay, she said "Thanks babe."
I can kinda dismiss any romantic connection to the word "sweetheart" because there's probably parents in the world who have daughters and call their daughters "sweetheart". In fact, I'll just bet David Caruso calls his daughter Greta "sweetheart".
If my dad were still alive that's probably what he'd call me. But babe...TO ME, that sounds like something you'd call a boyfriend or a fiancee or a husband.
Now, last but not least...

#4. I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!! More than Rio.
*ducks from more objects thrown by people who didn't like this episode*
Really? I call a lot of my female friends 'babe', and all my gay friends, too. Nowadays, it's become a very generic word. I also call my friends honey, hon, sweetie, etc. My college roomate and I didn't have one conversation that didn't start with the phrase, "hey, babe." I don't think it meant anything. Sweetheart had a more emotional connotation behind it, though I agree it was very paternal. Alexx called her baby.

The only shippy scenes in this episode were between Calleigh and Drugstore Cowboy.