Episode #502 'Going Under' **CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Dude, those pictures kind of disappoint me a little.

No blood. No bruises. She barely distressed about the whole situation. She's barely wet, for funk's sake. And of course, Horatio has come to the rescue.

Rawr! This makes me made.

I get this feeling Calleigh's accident will take up the first 10 minutes of the show then we'll never hear of it again.


*season five bunny starts taking those pictures to the wall*
I was thinking the same yesterday MegantheMonster!!!! 'cause ok maybe she doesn't drown, and she doesn't have to be saved by anyone but she doesn't have any cuts or bruises like you said, that's good but come on in the promo the accident looks horrible and then she's sitting there barely wet, clean (how come? I mean she felt in a swampy canal she should have some little sticks or something) and I could bet that she won't go to the hospital for a review either!!!

Maybe we're exagerating, but it doesn't look very realistic. So let's wait for the episode and I hope it doesn't disappoint us :( I hope we're wrong now.

Edited: Thanks for telling me about the ET program, I made I mistake I thought it was on Saturday!!!! :p Tell us what happens in that program, is it really Emily Procter under the water, btw???? :confused:
*Tries to remind everyone that this is, afterall, CSI:Miami* :lol:

I'm actually pretty optimistic for this episode, regardless of the promo pictures, as those can be quite misleading as well. We can really only judge for ourselves once the episode airs.

I think this is a very original storyline (besides the counterfeit money), so I'm interested to see where everything goes. :)

And even though there were some excellent points made about the realism of the situation, I have to reiterate what I've been living by for the past month. - Even though someone else previously came up with the line - It's CSI:Miami, and it doesn't have to make sense. (Wouldn't it be really awesome if it did though? :p)
I am sure on some points (haven't see the ET ep yet) but that she would have a stunt double, but if I remember the advertisement about it, I please they said how Emily got through it, but in the previews that day you could see Emily going underwater to do some of the step by step for the shots.
Right, so when I log on after work tomorrow (4am British Summer Time), there will be lots of posts about the epi...wont there?
*Pleeeeze, pretty pleeze*
ET Summery -

Yes. It is Emily Procter doing her own stunt. They went over how she prepared for it, getting training from a scuba expert showing her to breath through the scuba gear and what do should something to go wrong.

They showed a lot of it. So, for me, basically, the beginning is ruined. Thanks ET! But, all in all, it looks pretty good. Emily looked stunning all wet. She swam around a bit and then thanked ET for stopping by. That was it.


It was what it was. I won't say anyone missed much but it was good to know that Emily was excited to do her own stunt... I think she said, "I get paid to do this..." Something to that extent.

So, yeah, it looks semi-decent tonight.

*season five bunny starts swimming around in bath tub*

Calleigh's love interest... So not sexy. They lied!

My cable is out so I'm watching it in the family room. It sucks, the reception. But So far so good.


*runs back into family room*

I actually like Johnny Whitworth (Jake). He was Rory's co-star from 'Empire Records'. :)

So far, so good. I'm liking this episode better than the premiere.
That's awesome that Emily did her own stunts!

Eric seems to be too friendly with Natalia. I guess he's quicker to forgive and forget than Ryan is.
This is so boring, I wanna die.

I saw a fat person in the scene before the credits. Remember where you were, people.

I love how Natalia takes every single opportunity to bring up her abusive husband.

Girl with a black eye: I can't... I don't...
Natalia: Listen to me, you CAN! My husband... he did the same thing to me... I know.

Little girl on the street: Help me! My dog is lost!
Natalia: Listen to me! I WILL help you find your doggie, little girl. My husband... my husband used to hit me... I can relate.

Ryan: Aw, dammit, I got orange juice all over my shirt.
Natalia: Listen to me, Ryan. We WILL get that stain out of your shirt. My husband once beat me up with a gallon of orange juice... That... Oh, God... that orange paint just got everywhere...
Ryan: That... explains a lot.

Shut up, you vapid drama queen! God, I'm not married to her, and even I wanna beat her up. And yeah, it's a great idea to play with your hair while you're working on the evidence there, genius. Next week, maybe you can pee on it.

OMG, RICK!! The LOVE! The HoYay! Aw, you guys, he loves Horatio. They love each other so much. Dude, the sexual tension is unbearable! I can't... take it! It's too much! Dude, Horatio's gonna kiss him! Do it, Horatio, do it! You know you like teh gayz. Oh my God:

Horatio: Will you help me.
Rick: Baby, you know I always end up helping you.

SQUEE! Is it weird that that scene made me all giddy? That was the only good thing about the episode. Everything else: crap, covered in crap, with creamy crap filling.
I was all ready and waiting for this episode and it's kind of dissapointing. Of course there is lots of Ryan, which I love ;)

But Natalia needs to get on with her life and quit talking about her past. I'm really sorry if this offends you but it's kind of annoying to me.
Even though its only the second episode I have to say I'm really starting to enjoy this season. I loved Cal in this ep, especially the way the guys were looking out for her. I wasn't crazy about her new love interest, they could have done better. The one thing I was curious about was how did they know Calleigh was in trouble?
Raven04 said:
was Jake the love interest they were talking about?

I think so. It matches all the little hints they dropped on us during the previews. I'm not impressed with it or him for that matter. I have this feeling that it will end just like her relationship with Hagen did.

She's going to fall in love him, he's going to get invovled with drugs, they're going to fight but she's going to try and save him and bam, he's going to die. Sad Calleigh is back. Bastards. I hate the Powers that Be.

As far as the episode goes, I was entertained. Calleigh got lots and lots of storyline advancement. I was so excited when she opened the show I almost cried. Of course, H got the last word, but I can't expect the world all at once. But we should see lots and lots more Calleigh in the coming episodes.

Though, the one thing I didn't like is you could tell they skipped an episode. It was hard to detect, but toward the end of the epi. you could tell, big time.

Oh, and those crazy camera effects. I beginning to wonder if they are just sticking them in to make it that much more interesting during the science montages. I liked them before they strated force-feeding acid trips and just played really good music. They haven't done that this season either. But it's only the second epi.

This episode had it's ups and downs. The downs were mostly on Boa Vista and the budding relationship between Calleigh and ... I'm drawing a blank, whatever ugly-boys name is. The ups were the crash - which somehow managed to be believable... Speaking of the crash, I liked when the evidence became Calleighs main concern and she had a conflict going on... Her life or the evidence. One last breath of air or saving the evidence? That was good and Emily did it well.

Oh, and I almost died when Horatio called Calleigh 'sweetie' and 'ma'am'. But really, what was that all about?

Okay, so I loved this episode and I will stand proud, even if I have to stand alone. They could put Emily on the screen for the whole hour reading the phone book and I'd love it. I'm nuts!

Megan :lol: :lol: :lol: