Raven04 said:
was Jake the love interest they were talking about?
I think so. It matches all the little hints they dropped on us during the previews. I'm not impressed with it or him for that matter. I have this feeling that it will end just like her relationship with Hagen did.
She's going to fall in love him, he's going to get invovled with drugs, they're going to fight but she's going to try and save him and bam, he's going to die. Sad Calleigh is back. Bastards. I hate the Powers that Be.
As far as the episode goes, I was entertained. Calleigh got lots and lots of storyline advancement. I was so excited when she opened the show I almost cried. Of course, H got the last word, but I can't expect the world all at once. But we should see lots and lots more Calleigh in the coming episodes.
Though, the one thing I didn't like is you could tell they skipped an episode. It was hard to detect, but toward the end of the epi. you could tell, big time.
Oh, and those crazy camera effects. I beginning to wonder if they are just sticking them in to make it that much more interesting during the science montages. I liked them before they strated force-feeding acid trips and just played really good music. They haven't done that this season either. But it's only the second epi.
This episode had it's ups and downs. The downs were mostly on Boa Vista and the budding relationship between Calleigh and ... I'm drawing a blank, whatever ugly-boys name is. The ups were the crash - which somehow managed to be believable... Speaking of the crash, I liked when the evidence became Calleighs main concern and she had a conflict going on... Her life or the evidence. One last breath of air or saving the evidence? That was good and Emily did it well.
Oh, and I almost died when Horatio called Calleigh 'sweetie' and 'ma'am'. But really, what was that all about?
Okay, so I loved this episode and I will stand proud, even if I have to stand alone. They could put Emily on the screen for the whole hour reading the phone book and I'd love it. I'm nuts!
Megan :lol: :lol: :lol: