Episode #502 'Going Under' **CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I have to say, this episode was pretty good. It did get ridculously boring in between Calleigh getting all wet, and say the revlation that AJ from Empire was her 'old flame'. So, am I to believe that we are going to see more of him? Or was this a one shot? * raises eyebrow* who knows with this show?

Stetler had too few lines! And was it me, or was he willing to help Horatio? The world is coming to an end and going to hell in a handbasket.

Cool note of the night, Calleigh was a kickass this time around.

Not so cool, Natalia still acting as if her newbie status is garnering her some cool points. Get a scrunchie and get over it , girl.

This is rather random, but it bugged the s**** out of me. Why in God's green earth did Eric ask Cooper to help out with the bikes? Isn't that what Wolfe is for? Was he off doing something more important? Just asking.

And what would a rant be without mentioning our stoic leader? Horatio Caine,... I just can't bear to bring to light everything that was chuckle worthy tonight. But I swear to God, he delivered each line as if he was bored as hell. What do you think the fans feel like, DC? :rolleyes:

One more good point, as Always, Alexx looked fabulous! And yeah, she got more than three lines!!! We are working up to something hopefully.

And of course, there was the best scene of the entire night. Yes, I'm talking about when Frank helped Calleigh out with the boost. The look on his face was priceless when her tokus was center mast. I almost died laughing at that :lol:

All in all, enjoyable, but not what I expected. I'm now looking towards the future, that being next Monday's 100th eppy. Oh look, they are recycling again.... :lol:
Meh. Earlier, I was so psyched about this episode, because I love Calleigh angst and etc, and then I actually watched it and ended up just completely meh about this episode. I loved Calleigh tonight; she was awesome and I love that she finally seems to be getting a storyline, but the rest of the episode didn't really grab me, I guess.

Yes, I'm talking about when Frank helped Calleigh out with the boost. The look on his face was priceless when her tokus was center mast. I almost died laughing at that

:lol: I do have to say I loved that, lol! :D
Wow, I guess I liked it more than everyone else did! :( I thought it was a pretty good episode, with a great opening scene. All the so-called "beautiful" folks outside at the hotel in the sunshine, suddenly the roar of gang members on bikes tearing around, then a dead, bloody body falling from the balcony through the awning, onto the ground...followed by a scene of beautiful Calleigh overlooking it from above, looking almost serene and angelic in the sun, then quietly processing the scene. Drastically different images, and very effective. And the perfect music as the backdrop, kudos to the music folks and camera people, great opening (I thought, anyway.)

The scene where she manages to break the window and the water rushing in was fantastic. Enjoyed the soft scene between she and Horatio. "All the evidence is compromised," she worries. "Everything but *you*, ma'am," he gently tells her. Yeah yeah I know, H. can be corny, :lol: but I do love that he wears his heart right out there on his sleeve, sometimes.

Loved the technology they used throughout this whole eppy. Lots of lab work and cool lab toys. Loved seeing Calleigh down the idiot biker who insulted her, only to find out he's her undercover ex. *sigh* Poor Calleigh, what lousy luck she has with boyfriends/ex-boyfriends. I wasn't impressed with him at all.

The scariest part was seeing the guns that were involved - I wonder if those suckers really exist? Shooting around corners? Holy crap.

Very poignant at the end, finding out that the victim was killed by his own "gang member" who made him for a cop - because of his fretting wife. And I'm very glad Calleigh wisely and compassionately chose NOT to tell her that it was her love and concern for her husband that ended up being the main reason he died...

Finally, great advice from Horatio at the end to Calleigh's ex-boyfriend/undercover cop, but you just know the dirtball won't end up taking it.

This was definitely Calleigh's show tonight, pure and simple. I think she even had more air time than Horatio, and she did a marvelous job of carrying the show. Of course the whole cast participated tonight, but this was Calleigh's hour to shine, and shine, she did.
"Mr. Wolfe? Please do your magic on that."

*flings self onto ground, howling with laughter* That is so going down as the stupidest Horatio line EVER. I've never laughed so hard at anything on this show. And seeing as this is quite seriously my favorite show, I usually don't look for reasons to tear it down, but...geeze. At least everyone seemed to remember how to act in this episode. Natalia still seems a little stilted, but maybe it's because I'm just so sick of having to follow newbies into the field and learn along with them (After Greg and Lindsey and Sheldon, really...I think it's enough).

Now, on to the good parts of this episode: The first 10 minutes

My exact words upon the first scene with her out of the water:
"YEEEEE-HAW! Mwuhahaha, it's been like 2 years since the H/C shippers got a scene to cling to. Yay!" No doubt this scene will set the scenario for a few fanfics, but I'm happy just the way it is, innocent concern/friendship that I can interpret other ways when I so choose. Calleigh staring at the water sort of dazed and unfocused, Horatio saying her name and sounding very vague and far away at first before breaking through her reverie. It played out quite a lot like I was hoping - her first thought being a faint, "The evidence is, um..." "Right now, sweetheart, that's not important." (I dunno, I like the endearment but she seems almost too old for him to call her that unless we're off in fluffy ficland already...but if it's that vs. no reaction at all - or worse, "Pal" - I'm all for sweetheart. In fact, the more I repeat that scene, the more I love it)

My only quibble with that scene is...how is her eye makeup still in place? I don't wear it too often so I don't know for sure, but I can't imagine it's completely waterproof.

The Rickster Watch:
9:15: Okay, Calleigh drama over. Bring on Stetler.
9:30: Where's my Stetler?
9:39: There he is! And...WTF...why, they didn't have a showdown at all! Horatio asked for his...help! Actually, I'm a little proud of him, since Stetler was obviously wary about being approached with so little hostility and suspecting ulterior motives or a booby trap or something, and Horatio was clearly biting his tongue to remain civil when asking for said help.

Parting thoughts: do you notice how much the last few episodes have centered around, or at least directly referenced, middle Eastern terrorists? Do I smell future plot arcs? I really hope not, because that doesn't sound like much fun. I always start fast-forwarding when they bring up that stuff.

And why does Cooper keep getting to run wild outside the confines of the lab? He's like a big, exuberant puppy that has to be taken on walks.

Finally: The last scene ended up like this:

H: "Listen to me: I had a brother --"
Me: "Oh, my God. SHUT UP, HORATIO! Just SHUT UP!" After that I closed my mouth in shock, because...I never, ever tell him to shut up. But much as I love the guy and respect his pain and all that, seriously, NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOUR DEAD BROTHER.

A few minutes later, I actually went back and listened to the rest of the conversation ("he went to the dark side and he never came back.") I always like such statements in retrospect, because once repeated a few times over and over I can nearly always manage to come up with extra sympathy reserves (even though wouldn't you know it I STILL hate Raymond).

Overall, it was nice to see Calleigh starring in so many scenes (especially the one where Tripp gives her a boost up to the columns, aw). The acting and writing were both far better than in Rio, though the storyline wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped, but I still practically went cross-eyed with annoyance every time Natalia walked onto the screen. I literally walked away a few times just so I wouldn't have to listen to her. Ugh.

Seriously, my LAST parting thought: What's his name, Jake? Wow. I don't believe it, I didn't believe the spoiler descriptions, but he's actually hot. Unfortunately, his extreme smugness/cockiness and just general sliminess made him thoroughly unlikable. I'd love to see him redeemed, though, because as previously mentioned: hot.
Painted_Shadow said:
My only quibble with that scene is...how is her eye makeup still in place? I don't wear it too often so I don't know for sure, but I can't imagine it's completely waterproof.
I thought that too. I was like WTF.. I know that even waterproof will run in complete water.... they could have made the area around her eyes darker.
"Mr. Wolfe? Please do your magic on that."

*flings self onto ground, howling with laughter* That is so going down as the stupidest Horatio line EVER.
yeah i agree......

When H finally came on screen, when he was tring to get Calleigh's attention the first thing i noticed was his shirt and i yelled at the tv. (not the first time i've done that) I yelled G** Damn Striped shirt :mad: ahhhhh. enought with the black striped shirt. My husband was telling me to deal with it.I don't want to.. It's just so dang annoying to see him were that shirt over and over again in especailly when he just wore it in the prevous eppy. ok now that i got that off my chest.

It was a ok eppy i thought. It wasn't an eppy that keep me on the edge of my seat.

Also what was up with Franks tie? It was ugly. I wonder who picked that out. :confused:
ans speaking of ties what was up with the other dues tie? oh can't think of his name. He had a tan suit, white shirt and a pink tie? :confused:
"Mr. Wolfe? Please do your magic on that."

I was kinda hoping that would be followed by:

Ryan: Oh my God, finally! Okay... okay, watch this. Just an ordinary newspaper, right? Nothing here, nothing there, nothing under my sleeve... BOOM! *a ball of fire produces a white dove*
Horatio: ... The evidence, asshat, process the evidence.
midnight_tiptoes said:
"Mr. Wolfe? Please do your magic on that."

I was kinda hoping that would be followed by:

Ryan: Oh my God, finally! Okay... okay, watch this. Just an ordinary newspaper, right? Nothing here, nothing there, nothing under my sleeve... BOOM! *a ball of fire produces a white dove*
Horatio: ... The evidence, asshat, process the evidence.
that's to funny LMAO :lol:
This episode had quite a few quirks in it.
Horatio calling Calleigh sweetie, Calleigh calling Ryan babe, Eric flirting with mole-girl (he just can't seem to help himself), Cooper not knowing where the oil cap was :lol: (now that was funny), and... what else? Well I can't think of any more right now (memory :rolleyes:).

Oh yeah, Calleigh's butt in Frank's face. :lol:

Well I thought this ep was better than last weeks. :)

Oh, and the do your magic comment: I was like, 'Is Ryan a computer tech now?" :confused: But I guess he does know some stuff about computers. He did find that stuff about the white supremacy in that Double Jeopardy ep.
Ohw damn I have read some parts of this topic but I taped and and I can't watch it until tonight! I am really looking forward though! whiehie: yeah I don;t mind spoilers hehe.
athlov said:
This episode had quite a few quirks in it.
Calleigh calling Ryan babe,

Oh so i wasn't imagining that. Good, i thought i was going crazy and i had myself mad all night. I had been watching Studio 60 and when it went to commercial, that was the one scene i saw and i was like, 'Whoa, hang on just a second now....'

What was that about?
Okay I'll have a better review later, but all I can say right now is:

Best episode so far.

I enjoyed this episode so much. :D :D (Besides the whole 'babe' thing) I thought that this episode was really well done. Compared to the other episodes from say, season four, this episode was a touch of season two. :) They were pleasant, there was banter, Horatio didn't take up fourty minutes of the screen, there was an actual case, Stetler was there with his pink tie ( :D ), it was just an all around great episode.

Granted there were some cons about it, but who cares? I enjoyed the episode.
midnight_tiptoes said:I love how Natalia takes every single opportunity to bring up her abusive husband.

Girl with a black eye: I can't... I don't...
Natalia: Listen to me, you CAN! My husband... he did the same thing to me... I know.

Little girl on the street: Help me! My dog is lost!
Natalia: Listen to me! I WILL help you find your doggie, little girl. My husband... my husband used to hit me... I can relate.

Ryan: Aw, dammit, I got orange juice all over my shirt.
Natalia: Listen to me, Ryan. We WILL get that stain out of your shirt. My husband once beat me up with a gallon of orange juice... That... Oh, God... that orange paint just got everywhere...
Ryan: That... explains a lot.

Shut up, you vapid drama queen! God, I'm not married to her, and even I wanna beat her up. And yeah, it's a great idea to play with your hair while you're working on the evidence there, genius. Next week, maybe you can pee on it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG that was funny!!! Let's beat Natalia up!!! :lol: :lol:

Meganthemonster said:I think so. It matches all the little hints they dropped on us during the previews. I'm not impressed with it or him for that matter. I have this feeling that it will end just like her relationship with Hagen did.
I hope so!!!!

I have to wait 2 more days to watch it but I will!!!!

Calleigh calling Ryan babe????? Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Finally!!!! :D :D
OMG that was funny!!! Let's beat Natalia up!!!

Don't tempt me!! Please lord don't! And it looks like a big episode for CaRWash fans! Like someone in that shipping thread said- they are SO doing it.
Did I get this correctly? Did H and the Rickster form an alliance? Is this the latest version of the "Dynamic Duo"? This season is soooo going to be good. Loved this episode. Loved seeing Calliegh "involved". But what is it with the women on this show and their significant others going under cover and visiting the "dark side"? I am seeing a disturbing trend here!
I really want to see ryan and calliegh hook up. I don;t like Jake- I don't think Calliegh will get back together with Jake, just seems she can't handle him doing that type f work. Plus he's doing drugs-even if he's force to.

I want CarWash