Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

^ Yes, the frustration has come mainly from the very absurd storyline. That dosen't really help with M's reputation on the show though. She could be the source of the problem or the solution of the problem. ;).
I have to say I would like that it's a fake cancer or a con or something... and even having Eric fooled and start a new story line with him being upset that someone pulled the wool over a CSI's eyes and upset over that... sooooo that's my 2 cents.. :)
Lucy said:
^ With regards to the whole Marisol baby thing (ugh), I can't help thinking back to Ann Donahue's comment on the Season 2 dvd interview. She said:

"I'm impatient as a viewer. I'm impatient as a writer - in terms of don't bore me. Confuse me, anger me, but don't bore me on screen. As soon as the audience is ahead of you, they're bored and I don't want them changing tunes".

Maybe she should be reminded you think? You know us ladies could be accused of being jealous. :lol: I just can't see how a woman who's suppose to be terminally ill have a child. You know what? Hope I look that good if(GOD FORBID) I end up terminally ill. I know it's tv but still......She looks toooooooooo goooood to be sooooooo sick. :confused: Okay I said I'd done beat it enough but guess I hadn't. :lol:
katpin31791 said:
I've read at another board that just because M said she wanted a baby & H said she still could have one didn't mean he'd be the one to father it.

Even so, the H we know wouldn't tell her that she could have one. That's like sending her faster to death's door and not to mention the baby not having a mother. Total irresponsibility which is SO unlike H. What I hate is TPTB screwing with the characters. Grrr Sharon I'm like you, can't beat it down enough. For me, this is the only way to let it out. I wanna go beat a chair and go through catharsis! :mad: :lol:
What would be other way? She cannot adopt or any artificial way... she's gonna find some unknown dude, hump him and get a baby and when she dies, kid is pushed to Mr. Nipples?
I'm glad a lot of people agree with me. Marisol + Horatio = Ewww :p

Seriously what are the writers thinking? Why is Marisol even there? Do they think that someone has to fill the space that Yelina left? Grrr....GRRRR! No! Marisol is not the one to do that. What are they gonna do if she dies from her illness? Throw another woman in there? He should just get with Calleigh already.

*end rant*

But yeah the ending was blah...the background was even worse. So fake :lol:

I liked all the Ryan scenes though (big surprise, let's just say I was drooling for an hour straight) and I liked Calleigh. She's always great. She can do no wrong. Whenever I see Aaron I cringe cause he rubs me the wrong way. He's gotta be the mole...gotta be.
I deffinately hace to agree with you. I think that it is wrong for them to make this illness seem fine. As someone mentioned earlier, they make it look like its nothing. And that is not true. If they are going to bring is something that serious, they need to show just how serious it is. Shes a beautiful lady, but she would not look like that is she was that far in the cancer. Its ridiculous and I know I would be offended if I had it or knew someone who had it.

Ok now I understand that it really does suck when your life has a certain time limit and you know it because you do think of all the things you will never do, but you should NOT consider having a baby if you are about to die. DaWacko , you are so right. A baby is not a badge for your vest to say you've done it. It's not a certificate. It is a living human who was not given the chance to choose who its mother is. Chances are, if she has a baby, the disease will be passed along. I don't know a whole lot about that cancer and it might not be genetic, but it seems like it would. That, for me, is like suicide. Its all about what you cant handle and you don't think about anyone else and how they might feel. Well, that baby will have such a sick life. I mean, I would be pissed if I found out my mom had me on purpose when she KNEW she was about to die. I hate to see a child who doesnt have a mother. I know fully well that people end up very normal and very good in life without mothers, but I just think every child deserves to have a mom. Thats my opinion. So really, her having a baby is completely for her. She is not thinking about anything else.
And, no offence, but H would not be my first choice for a dad. I think he would be a good dad, but he is a workaholic. Besides, he rather old. So, he might not live throughout the child's life. Thats only a possibility, but I mean... I don't know. It just doesn't seem fair. So, if both of the parents are dead, the baby would either go to Eric or be an orphan (idk about Delko's parents). I know Eric would be ok with it. But he's young and didn't choose to raise a child.
I'm going to stop now on this subject because I could go on and on and on.
But I do think that writing the writers is appropriate.
I'm actually really mad that they make Marisol look the way she does when she's supposed to be really sick. I've known people who have had cancer and they didn't survive. They looked healthy for a short while but it didn't last. The writers need to have her get better and continue to look well, or have her get worse and have her look unhealthy. Otherwise it's completely unreal.
What are they gonna do if she dies from her illness? Throw another woman in there? He should just get with Calleigh already.
Calleigh? Why? Respectfully, I seriously doubt Horatio would date a subordinate (mind you, just about anything could happen the way this season is going!). I really don't want to turn this into some sort of shipping debate, but why does he have to be paired off with anyone? Keep him single, maybe having an occasional date, but all this focus on who he should or shouldn't be with just detracts from what this show is really all about.

eszmanda_luver , some types of cancer are hereditary, but some aren't. If Marisol is undergoing chemotherapy, not only would she quite possibly be infertile, but that could seriously harm a baby. So, maybe she's not having chemo, we don't know. If she is terminally ill, it just seems so irresponsible and selfish to want to have a child, as has been said. Also, like Ducky said, Marisol's little speech at the end was fine up until the baby part.

I also agree with what Luce said about the portrayal of her cancer. They are making a mockery of the disease with her looking so alarmingly healthy.
*gives Ducky a standing ovation* Thank you so much for what you said above, Ducky...you hit on a lot of what has been bothering me about this whole Marisol storyline. I can understand a woman wanting to have a baby, but if you're dying and you know it, it's an incredibly selfish thing to do. :(

Oh...and thank you so much for that Ryan and Eric screencap, I just drooled all over my keyboard. ;)

BowserBabe said:
Well, I read through most of the posts and didn't notice anybody mention anyone besides just Eric and Ryan wearing the purple... that's why I said.

You're right, I think i did just mention Ryan and Eric, it wasn't until later that I noticed more characters in shades of purple. Same as last week with the orange, I first noticed it on Ryan and Eric, and then later on other characters. My apologies. ;)

Lucy said:
With regards to the whole Marisol baby thing (ugh), I can't help thinking back to Ann Donahue's comment on the Season 2 dvd interview. She said:

"I'm impatient as a viewer. I'm impatient as a writer - in terms of don't bore me. Confuse me, anger me, but don't bore me on screen. As soon as the audience is ahead of you, they're bored and I don't want them changing tunes".

Well, I'd say she's accomplished her goal, I've been confused and angry a lot this season. :(
Whoa Whoa Whoa, I have been out of the loop for quiet some time, their having a baby?
I've been angry and confused a lot this season too. Oh yeah and I'm ALWAYS ahead of the storylines.

You can tell season 2 was the best season because even when I watch a repeat that I've seen 100 times, I still say "Whoa what happens next?" Now it's like "okay so the rapee killed her rapist and then ran off." ....WOW captivating storyline there.

Ahem, back on topic here.

Alright so the purple motif? ..HAHA. That is the stupidest thing ever. It's like they're communicating with the audience.

Donahue: Alright team, purple means its a good episode. Orange means it's going to be lame. Have Jon wear a shirt that says 'Me Togo' and we'll go from there.
Caruso: I don't think that will work.

Well, I'd say she's accomplished her goal, I've been confused and angry a lot this season. :(
Me too. I think alot of us have, so it seems. I do honestly think that AD has an evil streak! She certainly has a knack for not giving the audience what they want, but making us mad instead. I sure hope this show gets back on track next season.
"Just when I think CSI: Miami couldn't get more ridiculous,
someone gives Ann Donahue a pen and some creative freedom."

Maybe she quit caring what the audience wanted? HMMM hope not. Better be careful she may kill it for good next season.
