Perhaps they wanted to be all Tinky-Winky this week. (wearing purple)
anyways, I apologise for using a bad word next.
CANNOT BE FUCKING TRUE! I know it's just a tv show but do they have to ruin it like that? I mean, everything what Aerosol said in the end was ok...except the baby thing. I mean geez, the chick is dying and she wants a baby?
"Hey everyone! I'm Aerosol, I have cancer and I'm dying. But I want a baby because I never got one. I know I'll get pregnant easily and it doesn't matter even the baby doesn't have mother when I die. I just want a baby. Like I care what happens when I die. I just want it. Me wants!"
First. You don't get pregnant by just snapping your fingers (I mean sometimes it can't take long and not... gosh, you get my point). Then, last time I checked it lasts 9 months, Aerosol doesn't have more than... a few months left? And I've always thought pregnancy isn't that you live your life just like you've used to but your tummy is just getting bigger for 9 months.
I still wonder how Aerosol looks like. A few years ago my friend was diagnosed with leukemia. She started her treatments, she lost all her hair, even her eyebrows. She is very pretty young woman, could be a model, but she still lost her hair, weight and eyebrowns. (She btw got bone marrow transplant and is getting better)
Ah well, but CSI Miami does't have ugly or even normal looking women. Wait... if USA is the fattest country in the world... how many fat people you've seen in CSIM? Tell me...
So this part of CSIM, it's going really stupid and I just hope when season 4 ends, this has been just nightmare and in season 5 we see again the good old CSIM.
Ok. to the episode. So I wasn't only one who "missed" Mr. Nipples/Snake Lady fight? I mean, if they decide to cut the episode, they should cut it so well that you don't get "wtf?" feeling in some scene. Like now with Mr. Nipples and Snake Lady. They could have done the scene again, take Snake Lady off and leave just more Valera there.
Ryan should get his hair back. He is so hot with a gun and would be even hotter if they gave his hair back
*huggles Ryan*
Calleigh. I started to think when I watched the episode. Even they haven't give much storyline for her this season so far, but think of the positive side! Because no storyline - they haven't ruined her character! Yay! It's the same old Calleigh - kicking ass as usual
*does a happy dance*
Frank. Oh I just love him. I love him and who doesn't love? Continue Miami like this and it's Frank who gets all my love (along with Calleigh)
Stetler. Why so little Stetler?
I want more Stetler! Gosh, was it really needed to bring him in just for that?
Mr. Nipples. I think first episode where I liked him. Why didn't H let him to go hospital? I thought H also knows how to collect evidence and process the crime scene. If I was Eric, I'd done this
Eric: Screw you H! You and your holy sunnies will stay here on scene and I go to see ma sis! *pushes H and leaves*
H: But Eric...
Otherwise it was quite good episode (if you leave that baby part off). There was lots of pretty cars
and storyline got forward smoothly. Oh one question. When they looked for fingerprints from first home invasion... erm... couldn't there be like lots of some other fingerprints? Or is it when a killer/robber/whatever goes to somewhere, all other fingerprints disappear and all that is left is the bad guy's fingerprints?
Luce, was this long enough?