Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I think she has, katpin31791.
I'm sorry, but no one in their right minds would have done some of the things they have done. They are either completely mad or clueless or just want people to stop watching. I just don't get it.
Oh well, as long as they keep Jon and Emily in the show, I'll be fine.
As for the whole shirt thing: I did notice, i just don't think it's a big deal. Its just another ridiclous decision made. Or maybe they just wanted to see who would notice. Haha but then again thats not too good when your adience is paying more attention to what the characters are wearing vs the storyline.
Hate to admit it, but I'm gettin there....
And it'll take the force of the universe to just pop the writer's brains out and replace it with one of ours on TalkCSI. Yeah.

That was funny to me. My granndaughter thought I'd done lost my mind. :lol:

I think we're paying more attention to what they're wearing because it's just as ridiculous as the stories. There's barely any comic relief and when there is, someone gets mad and then something boring happens for 25 minutes and then we get 3 minutes of investigating and then another half hour of just plain stupidity. Maybe they should try something they haven't done this season. Tying up Ann Donahue and taking her pen away.

Oh please Corey Miller save us all. You wrote Tinderbox for crying out loud. Did we complain? NO. Heck since they seem to be recycling storylines, remake all of season 2.
Personally I liked the conversation between M and H at the end of the ep, if we didn't know about the pregnancy plan that has been put out, one might take that as H just giving M, hope/faith that illness doesn't mean your already dead. But since we all know about that *Shrug* everyone has their opinion on it.

There are alot of people out there who are sick who wonder this, but for those who are dying it becomes alot more into focus, and like a need to be done. Doesn't necessairly mean it will happen or that they even in reality expect it to, but they can hope and wish for it.

Normally I said I wouldn't go here (in my orginial post) As to her looking healthy looking or really bad exactly how bad is she? months, days, weeks, to live? even then are they sure? (guessing not since nothing is for sure), remission happens with her type of cancer I am not sure how much of a chance but it could.

Disclaimer: I respect everyones opinion and there are some I do not agree with as I am sure there are some who will disagree with mine. Thats life and thats what keeps the balance in it.
Well, I'd say she's accomplished her goal, I've been confused and angry a lot this season. :(
well it looks like i have something too look forward to :lol:

btw, MiamiDade, i love your signature...i completely agree :lol:, when did midnight_tiptoes say that?
carlz said: MiamiDade, i love your signature...i completely agree :lol:, when did midnight_tiptoes say that?
Thanks! I think midnight_tiptoes posted that comment when the news broke that Horatio was going to get involved with Marisol. I think it was before the baby spoilers were released, though I stand to be corrected on that one. I can't quite remember which thread it was posted in, but it was awhile back now. :)
I liked the episode! :) There were a few plot holes but I don't find it tragic. Of course I couldn't stop drooling the whole eppy because of Ryan :D I'm so glad that he just wore a t-shirt!

I loved Calleigh! She was totally cool in the eppy! I'm relieved she seems to be happy again. Her dialog with Ryan at the end was very cute :) WTG girl!

The Marisol/H thingy wasn't that bad I think. And H saying that it's not too late for her to have a baby doesn't necessarily mean he will get her pregnant. To quote Ryan: I hate it when people jump to conclusions... I for one will wait what the writers will give us in the next episodes. Maybe he was just trying to make her feel better by saying this, like he always does. I don't see them as a couple anyway. They don't hug or kiss or look at each other like love puppys. Eric and Natalia did before they started their affair and during it. They look more like friends to me!

The storyline was good, I really liked it! Just a shame Valera, Alexx and Stetler had like 5 seconds of screentime. I love these characters so much!

Well, 7 1/2 out of 10 for that episode :)
Wow we're a bunch of teenyboppers in here :lol:

Is anyone seriously going to watch any of these episodes when they come on DVD? Sure it's good on Mondays as a new episode but I'm not going to want to watch Driven ever again.
I very seriously doubt I'll be buying S4 on dvd. I have little desire to watch any of the episodes again (apart from 'Nailed'), up to this point anyway. :(
Is anyone seriously going to watch any of these episodes when they come on DVD?
Heck, no! I really couldn't put myself through it all over again, apart from a couple of episodes that I've liked, and I would catch those as reruns on tv.
speed_cochrane said:
Wow we're a bunch of teenyboppers in here :lol:

Is anyone seriously going to watch any of these episodes when they come on DVD? Sure it's good on Mondays as a new episode but I'm not going to want to watch Driven ever again.

I was thinking that too. I just pre-ordered s1 and been thinking where to catch s2 pt 2 (since I have pt 1 with no Finnish subtitles) and wondered will I stop buying those after season 3 :lol: But who knows... perhaps I just. Buy it. I can watch episodes that I like :p
H's insistence at taking care of Marisol instead of allowing Eric to do it bothered me more than the baby conversation at the end. People who are dying do worry about things like that. I'll be upset if they actually try to have a baby before she dies (though I thought Eric said she had 3-6 months at one point, so they really might not have time...). It makes sense that she would regret things she never did and may never have a chance to do. And it make sense that H would try to comfort her. It does NOT make sense that he wouldn't let her brother be there for her at the hospital or would insist that she stay with him instead of staying with Eric. Eric is her brother, H just met her. While I don't dislike Horatio, I hate how he is the center of practically every story line on the show. I think the story line would be better if H and the team were helping Eric deal with Marisol's illness and impending death rather than having H take center stage by having him become Marisol's protector and love interest.

I thought the purple shirt thing was funny. That happens at my office on occassion...we'll show up to the staff meeting and half the people will be wearing the same color (completely random, I swear we don't actually have memos on it).

I've never been a big Ryan fan, but I have to say, I'm liking him more and more. It liked his story line in this one, and Jonathan Togo is doing a wonderful job with this role.

I absolutely loved the Ryan/Calleigh interaction at the end. It was so sweet to have someone ask him about what happened and try to encourage. It was so sincere and...real. Whether or not these two are a couple (I don't really care either way), they work well together onscreen.