No, Greg does not have to pay the money out of his own pocket. The city chose to pay out the money to the James family rather than fight the civil lawsuit. Greg is a city employee, so the city has to cough up the money. And Greg was right, the city basically chose to not fight for him so their decision makes it look like he is somewhat guilty, which is so not true. That is so rotten.
I thought this episode would be better. Not sure where it ranks among this year's episodes, but there seemed to be something lacking that I can't put my finger on. I mean, we saw most of our favorite characters, but the murder case itself, while gruesome, didn't seem to be thought out extensively well by the writers. I'll have to rewatch it before I can identify the problem.
On the positive side, it was very decent of Warrick to personally go to the murdered girl's grandmother and break the sad new to her. She needed a strong shoulder to lean on and he was there for her. Kudos to Warrick. By the way, I always thought Warrick's eyes were blue. The old lady mentioned his green eyes, so that just confirms that I need a new and larger TV set.
I missed how the killer got his throat cut. A big miss on my part. Sara was really creeped out once she figured out that the patient was the murderer. She really is quite a brave woman.
I enjoyed all of the characters, even, shudder...Hodges. He's like the Grinch in that his heart is slowly growing larger. Let's hope it gets full-size by season's end.