"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

There were definitely some suspenseful parts, but the episode as a whole felt a little rushed at the end, and they took too much time in the beginning. I don't know. It was a good episode, but we've gotten so many good episodes this season that I think my expectations are higher than normal.
lol....or absent mindedness...*wonders who would have seen him...cause it did look as though someone saw it*.....I have to admit that I was just a tad bit creeped out by the eppy. It was awesome, but, I said before and say it again, if I were in sara's shoes when missus reached out for her, I would have freaked...lol....and to be creeped holding the hand of the killer.........blah!
Someone saw him. I just don't know who.
I was creeped out when the guy went for Sara in the hospital
I do agree the opening seemed long and then the end seemed a bit more rushed to finish it.
I agree with sarahvma. I was so hyped for this eppy that I altered my work schedule so I could be home to watch it live.
There were many good moments with the actors, but I do feel the case itself was a little rushed at the end.
— Yes, the date Sara was referring to was with Grissom.
— No, Greg won't have to pay the fine himself, the city/county will. He's just upset becasue it makes him look guilty.
— Strong scene with Hodges and the phone. What did the comment above, "Hodges was seen", mean? (Oh, OK, thanks.)
— Another strong scene with Warrick and the grandmother. Nice to get a little Warrick backstory.
No, Greg does not have to pay the money out of his own pocket. The city chose to pay out the money to the James family rather than fight the civil lawsuit. Greg is a city employee, so the city has to cough up the money. And Greg was right, the city basically chose to not fight for him so their decision makes it look like he is somewhat guilty, which is so not true. That is so rotten.

I thought this episode would be better. Not sure where it ranks among this year's episodes, but there seemed to be something lacking that I can't put my finger on. I mean, we saw most of our favorite characters, but the murder case itself, while gruesome, didn't seem to be thought out extensively well by the writers. I'll have to rewatch it before I can identify the problem.

On the positive side, it was very decent of Warrick to personally go to the murdered girl's grandmother and break the sad new to her. She needed a strong shoulder to lean on and he was there for her. Kudos to Warrick. By the way, I always thought Warrick's eyes were blue. The old lady mentioned his green eyes, so that just confirms that I need a new and larger TV set.

I missed how the killer got his throat cut. A big miss on my part. Sara was really creeped out once she figured out that the patient was the murderer. She really is quite a brave woman.

I enjoyed all of the characters, even, shudder...Hodges. He's like the Grinch in that his heart is slowly growing larger. Let's hope it gets full-size by season's end.
yeah.....but that has happened in more then one eppy...a slow opening, a little drawn out and to quick to end...I am stoked for the next eppy though.....*wishes it was next thursday*
This is one of the best eppies, umm besides Kevin Federline getting punched in the gut in Fannysmackin' but that's another story.

I totally loved the parts with Hodges, it's really nice seeing that softer side to him.

The scene with Warrick and the grandmother almost had me in tears :(
Yeah the Warrick scene was really nice too. Made me sad...it is nice to see some of his backstory too.
Lol....yeah....I liked seeing K-fed get the fist in the gut too in fannysmackin'

as DIZZ and I said earlier, this eppy....it was worth the wait....lol...her words "the torturous wait" lol :lol:
lol...yeah....that startled me too....the worst was, when the camera kept panning to dude and dudes eyes, you were expecting something and you perpare...but you still get a fright...lol :lol:
oh man, i know DJRideout. My sister was like breathing all heavy and I was like STOP IT!. Than he grabbed her and I was like Ohh No he didn't.

I liked when Grissom wiped away Sara's tears and walked out with her. I was like awwww...