"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Jorja did amazing acting tonight.

Mad Kudos mann.

GD's scene with the grandmother was extremly well played.

Eric looked pretty cute too :)
I almost forgot about Warrick's scene. I wish we would have seen him afterwards. Very nicely played.

Man, the whole friggen' cast deserve an emmy, again.
OUTSTANDING.. although extremely brutal and bloody. but so CSI.. the writing was fabulous..riveting!! the beginning with Sara finding all the girls.. she's such a great actress, & so pretty.. good to see her featured.. been along time. and Warrick and Grissom scouring the scene.. horrible. Nick's kind words to Sara, again showing how much they all care for one another.Doc so through and perfect on his autopsies. Hodges, the first time I think I've ever seen him so sensitive and not obnoxious. Warrick having to deal with his grandmas friend (Ruby Dee) great actress, and telling her about her grandaughter, he's so awesome. Grissom & Greg "So, they threw me under the bus" and Grissom, "It's part of the job" Sara and Hodges, actually sharing a tender moment. her smile ;). Brass as always good and funny "Is that right Santa" :lol: And the low life-creepy-scum bag jumping at Sara, I felt something was weird.. EWWWW :mad: And the ending, not a romantic gesture, these two are together, and he was concerned for her pain, 3 horrrible incidents happened to her, and he was comforting and soothing her, as people who care about one another do!! A+ is my score!! S/7 has been fantastic!! and WP looked so handsome
sarahvma said:
I didn't mind that Hodges clearly violated a big rule. The scene was very, very good. Wallace has a really great talent, and although I know people are frustrated with "cast bloat", I was glad to see them let him stretch his drama legs there.

He is a very talented actor, and I agree, I too was happy to see him, as you said, "Stretch his drama legs." It shows, that his character, too, can have feelings and that there is more to Hodges then just the contankerous lab tech!! Wallace plays the character very well, and and I hope that this entanglement with him and the MK isn't what many think. But then, I am just out supporting my guy... :lol:
I liked
it felt rushed, like the science somehow got lost in the personal views of the CSI's. But the writers did say that is what was in store for this season.

Nick/Sara- FINALLY we get some of them working together. I love how he looked out for her and saw it on her face how upset she was. I have always liked these two working together.

Warrick- you could see he had such a hard time telling Emily's grandmother about her death... and YES TPTB got a prior piece of a CSI's history right.

Catherine-was hardly in this at all. I knew the episode was going to be more Sara focused, but with the show girls I thought Catherine would be the one who would be more upset. Maybe she was and we didn't see it??

The ending was creepy, that guy was creepy. He creeped me out when he kept looking at Sara and then when he grabbed her, I jumped to, I didn't expect that.

OH, Hodges.. wow, he does have a concious and I loved it what Sara said .. .YEAH IT SUCK, about doing the right thing. That scene was FANTATIC. I knew I like Hodges :D
Poor Greg. And when did Grissom care so much about politics?
Yes, it's part of the job, but, I would think Grissom would have more sympathy or at least empthay for Greg.

And... Gris and Sara, we'll it was subtle.

It was okay.
hhunter said:
Yes, it's part of the job, but, I would think Grissom would have more sympathy or at least empthay for Greg.

What I got out of that part of the scene was.. In the beginning when Greg came to the crime scene and saw Sara's face, he kept walking, trying not to pay attention. When Grissom told Greg "It's part of the job" I think he was just trying to say that.. You know, it does happen wether it's being almost beaten to death or a simple scratch on the face.
I loved this episode, I needed some angst. Gary's scene had me in tears and my sis- the Grey's Anatomy fan- was a little misty :p

gsrLOVE said:
Jorja did all her scenes very, very nice. From holding Cammie in her arms calling for help - to talking so fast Grissom needed her to slow down.

I've never seen her swear so much before :lol: :lol: I thought it was cute :p
xfcanadian said:
this episode was....anticlimatic.

The writing was bad, there were some bad lines near the end. Overall, I was pretty bored. Why would a psychopath who doesn't feel guilt try to kill himself? That doesn't make sense, since in his mind he isn't guilty of anything.

ITA - the writing this season.... *sighs*
So we got a sad Sara crying and Gil wiping her tears. The case was almost non-existant and all there was, was Sara's reactions. Bad writing for a crime scene show, good if we wanna get into the soap department.

And Greg, are we going somewhere with his storyline? It's been mentioned in every other episode and I am so getting bored since we never get anywhere with it. Ok, so Greg's pissed that the city made it look like he's guilty. Well that's life kiddo, if you're not born with a silver spoon in your mouth.

The only scenes I enjoyed was Nick/Sara in the kitchen. Nick caring, as he always does and Sara putting on her stoic face. The "At least she didn't have to die alone" - sent shivers down my spine.

And Warrick - my sweet cool cat from the hood, showing what I've longed for since GD, emotions. We know he has them, we're just not allowed to see them. Splendid scene, showing what Warrick is all about under the suaveness.

And Brass, god bless him, he always delivers.

But the psychopath trying to kill himself, WTF? When they make cardinal mistakes like that, the entire case falls flat to its face.

Brass, Nick and Warrick made this eppy watchable, the rest of the cast - well, heck. I can't even tell how they feel by their acting anylonger. Or they overdo it like in the ambulance scene. Why would sara lose her professionality all of a sudden? On man she knows next to nothing about? Sara's never been the one to gush over males before. A GSR symptom?

mosty they have to tell me with words what they feel, that's how flat they've gotten in S7. Stereotypical and flat.

Like in the scene where patrol cars rush to a scene and theonly one flinching is Nick. A very beliebavle reaction from where he stood. The person who should have been jumpy from what she'd been exposed to, didn't even jump?

Weak, very weak when it comes to realism and credibility.

ETA: And a CSI rides along with the ambulance? It is simply NOT allowed.
I knew it, I can't believe my theory was right! The city settled out of court. But judging from next weeks promo I don't think its over. I am more nervous for Greg than I was before.

I enjoyed this episode, even poor Sara got me me and the tear scene didn't gag me either (but IMO the tear wipe was just silly)There was only a short Nick & Greg moment but it was cute the way they can coommunicate with their eyes.
The interraction between Grissom and Greg about the results of the civil suits remind me so much of the one between Nick and Grissom in Daddy's little girl. The INFAMOUS "So... it's over".

Grissom is rarely empatic with his guys. In that scene with Greg... Grissom was just Grissom...
i agree...it felt like they took too long at the beginning and rushed the ending. i also didnt like the way greg got the news about his trial. it felt like it wasnt a big deal, but it is a very big deal and they played it down. but overall, i was very happy to have a fresh episode of csi and it was still very good.
sure the guy trying to kill himself and getting caught is a bit of a stretch, unless he was trying to make himself look like a victim. but think of the alternate, he was just passing through town and if he had left after the murders they probably would never have found him. to me, thats more frustrating. i would rather the magical piece of evidence that solves the case fall out of the sky than it go unsolved. its so unsatisfying when the case goes unsolved.

i think the overall message in the episode was trying to humanize everyone. sometimes you get caught up in them being crime solving machines you can forget they are people. we had sara deeply affected by the girls death, nick concerned for her, warrick needing to tell the grandmother what happened himself, greg realizing the city would screw him over to save their own asses, grissom trying (and imo missing the mark just a bit) to comfort sara as well, and even hodges talking to the mother of the dead girl.

when you step back and look at the episode as a whole it was quite good. the crime and the science was there, but it was a character episode. yes sara was the main focus but they all had issues they dealt with in their own way. it was a good way to add variety to the season. i think they accomplished what they set out to do.
A-ha, I knew that actor was in the ep...which one was the Corey guy? I didn't recognize the actor even though I've seen him lots of times on Buffy:( He's also been on both other CSIs. NY Heroes and Miami...Throwing Heat possibly.

And I didn't catch Ruby Dee's name...she was in The Stand with Gary Sinise.
For the past two weeks, I was hyped about last nights episode. For the most part, it was okay.

* Hodges, I never liked him until last night. Now that I know he has a heart, it makes me like a bit more.

* I don't mind Sara, all in all, and I understand that this episode was supposed to be Sara-centric, but at times I just didn't get into it.

* They jumped into the ending WAY to fast. They questioned what? two people before realizing the murderer tried to kill himself. And as that goes, I think he was trying to make himself look like another victim from his murders, but didn't really have the guts to go all the way through with it.

* As for Greg and the case, we will have to wait until next week to get more info. I am a mad at the city for settling, but oh well. TPTB are just being idiots.

* As far as Warrick, I loved the fact that we got some backstory.

* We didn't see nearly enough of Nick and Catherine, but they have had who episodes for themselves as well.

So that's my thoughts. It was an okay episode, but it didn't quite reach my expectations with all the hype CBS was giving it.
We were ALL really disappointed as well here. Way too slow in the beginning, and then the end. What happened to the all between stuff?

Okay there were some good moment's (I liked when Hodges was humanised) but the whole episode was just flat IMO.

Very disappointed, I hope next episode will not leave me feeling as "What was that I just watched and what was the point" and will have me saying "Wow that was amazing!" instead.