"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

another scene someone mentioned in an earlier post that I overlooked was WARRICK and that lady...I nearly cried...well, my eyes were moist....lol....I felt so sad for her
AWWWW yeah I know. I was like poor Warrick, especially after she mentioned her daughter's cancer.

I felt myself tear up alittle bit.
this episode was....anticlimatic.

They completely rushed the ending, and there was too much focus on how it was affecting sara, they barely mentioned the crime that much. The crime was supposed to be horrific, but I didn't get that at all. Especially when Sara and Grissom were standing by the dead body flirting...

The writing was bad, there were some bad lines near the end. Overall, I was pretty bored. Why would a psychopath who doesn't feel guilt try to kill himself? That doesn't make sense, since in his mind he isn't guilty of anything. Also, I cringed at the end scene...like I always do with GSR. I would rather an entire episode of GSR, than having little pieces of it in every episode.
lol......he did look fine....they all look fine.....lol. I am in love with his amazing green eyes even though I am not a HUGE fan of him.......but he's still amazing!
I just wrote a review on tv.com, but like most of you I thought the epi was a little rushed, and focused a little too much on Sara. I think we are all just overcome by the Mini Killer storyline and the layoff didn't help, hopefully next week we will get back into a nice little groove. I was expecting a little bit more from this episode, like Gum Drops or Blood Drops type, but it was good to change things up. I am looking forward to next week however.
For what it's worth - (my 5 cent review on the episode)

* It was nice to see a more Sara-centric episode, but with lots of help from the rest of the team.

* I loved the scene where Sara finds the girl under the bed. Jorja played that very well.

* I loved Nick’s concern for Sara. Finally we find the Nick we know and love. Now, if we could only find our lovable, quirky Grissom and get him back in the fold. *sigh* I ask for the impossible, I know.

* Greg realizing he got toasted by the department regarding the lawsuit - Gil’s reaction to it made me want to hit the damn tv.

* They made Hodges into a real human being?! Wow! I never knew he actually had real feelings. A pat on the back for TPTB (for a slight moment)

* Several references to Wendy, but no Wendy sighting? Bummer!! I really hope it just means that Liz is hard at work on The Cure.

* Warrick going back to his old neighborhood – a nice piece of backstory.

* The Gil/Catherine scene fell flat. Just goes to show how bad TPTB have screwed things up when Marg & Billy fall flat in a scene together.

* I expected to have a little bit more Catherine involved here since there were showgirls involved. Must be a rule now that Catherine & Sara can’t work a real case together any more.

* Some nice scenes with Brass, but too little Sofia

* Can we quit with the distracting non-chemistry GSR tidbits popping up everywhere? Good grief! Even Nick as a "concerned friend" and Hodges as a just a "colleague" showed more chemistry with Sara here. Grissom just doesn't seem to have chemistry with anyone these days. TPTB have totally killed our lovable bugman and made him into an emotionless creature stuck to the wall. Jeez! Even Warrick and the old lady showed more chemistry.
Yay for Warrick getting screentime :)

I like that they kept the GSR subtle; I'm a fan but if I weren't, I could live with what was there.

Was there or wasn't there the name Charlie Weber in the guest credits? I was sure I saw it but now I can't turn it up on IMDB.

*Is anxious for next week*
I have to say I gained new respect for Hodges when he had to tell the victim mom that she was dead was heartbreaking.

A great storyline for Sarah, since she comes off as a hard individual it was really nice to see a softer side of her.

It was extremly creepy how he kept looking at her, and then when she fingerprinted him and everything came together. He knew it.

Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm alone on this but did anyone else get the feeling that he'll be back? Or like I said is it just me.

I did love the bit between Sarah and Grissom it was cute.
I didn't mind that Hodges clearly violated a big rule. The scene was very, very good. Wallace has a really great talent, and although I know people are frustrated with "cast bloat", I was glad to see them let him stretch his drama legs there.
sarahvma said:
I didn't mind that Hodges clearly violated a big rule. The scene was very, very good. Wallace has a really great talent, and although I know people are frustrated with "cast bloat", I was glad to see them let him stretch his drama legs there.

I think that if they let him do that more more fans of the show would like him, or at least I would. :D
This episode was great. From the beginning to end I was just in total awe. Jorja really lived up to "Sara" in this episode.

The episode with Hodges was one of the most moving ones (for me) that I've seen in a while. He clearly violated a rule, but I think he played it very nice. He acted like he cared.

Jorja did all her scenes very, very nice. From holding Cammie in her arms calling for help - to talking so fast Grissom needed her to slow down.

Didn't see much of Catherine, but with what there was, Marg did an awesome job.

I especially loved the scene between Nick and Sara in the house after she came in from the back door. Very cute.

The end scene, just seemed to fit. IMO. They played into it nicely (Way better than the shaving scene, as much as I loved it) and ended very quitely. Grissom wasn't afraid to put his arm around her back, and she wasn't afraid to go with the flow.

Kudos to the WHOLE cast. Very nice episode. I have to say - this may be my new favorite (And I thought nothing could beat GD, or Butterflied!)