"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

3 more days! I'm so excited I could cry. I think it's about time angst hits EVERYONE. But I'm definately excited because it's Sara-centric. :D
Don't forget about Nick too. He will be disturbed. It always show Empty Eyes on the promos, close up to Nick with a sad eyes on his face.
UrielFalcon said:
This is going to be a very deep episode for Warrick, Sara and Greg. Greg,getting disturbing news about his civil suit, Warrick knowing one of the showgirl victims and Sara having someone die in her arms. I can't wait.

and for nick... because sara is sad. he's always sad when sara's sad.

but yeah, this episode is going to be AMAZING! and i can't (and seriously.. cant) wait!
Probably because he's about to find out that yet again, his friends are keeping things from him and shutting him out (GSR). He's got trust issues, and I'm sure this little revelation re: Griss and Sara will knock him off kilter again, just as it did when Cath pulled her stunt with Keppler.

Realistically, he's probably "sad" because they are on the scene of yet another brutal, senseless crime...you can only see so much of that before you start to burn out.
Poor Nicky seems to be having issues this season. He hates it when people don't tell him stuff, esp. friends.
He's proably gonna have some kinda breakdown before the season ends.
ooh... i definatly think he will. nick likes sara, it's obvious. even GSRers can't deny it. i think when he hears grissom and sara are together, it's gonna hit him really hard-- not just because they are keeping it from him, because he can't get sara now:( poor nicky... KEEP TRYING NICK!!

but this next episode sounds amazing and i can't wait for it! IT'S SO CLOSE!
so did they take out sara being scratched? originally when she was checking under the bed a hand was supposed to grab for her and scratch her face..? anyone know for sure?

i am so excited for this epi, im tempted to call in sick and make it a total CSI day. :) too bad i've got bills to pay...BOOOO!
I am just happy to see a new eppy of CSI coming on instead of b-ball or reruns....and Empty Eyes looks great...I can't wait for it...

*claps getting exctied as the countdown begins*
One more day! One more day! Sara's definitely not my favorite character, but I'm still looking forward to the ep. I mean, how couldn't you after a whole month without a new one?! Hehe.
COMPLETLY agree with you:) well, except the sara-not-fav-character part. i like sara... i like sara and nick more:p LMAO!

have to say... i dont think there are anymore spoilers that we can find on this episode! we've had over a month to find out about it and i think our investigating job is about down. all we have to do now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show ;)
One more day, finally a new episode! I am looking forward to the scene with Greg & Nick on the stairs. Looks sadly intense.

I just found three preview clips on CBS for this episode:
click here

Then go to CSI Crime Scene Investigation >> Cold Opens >> Empty Eyes.

one clip is Sara, one with Warrick & Sara, one GSR - where Sara finds the victim (and get's scratched)
Thanks so much Wojo!! They are great.

The clips were so awesome, I literally said outloud after watching all three "I was JUST getting into it"..

Now I really can't wait until tomorrow!!!
One more day! One more day! Sara's definitely not my favorite character, but I'm still looking forward to the ep. I mean, how couldn't you after a whole month without a new one?! Hehe.
I feel the exact same way. Aside from the hiatus, this episode looks really good, and I cannot wait. Is it Thursday yet? *cries*

Thanks for posting the clips, Wojo. It looks to be a very interesting episode - even if really sad and dark.
::head explodes:: t - 23 hrs and counting..AHHHHH!!! definitaly looks dark, but hey, we havent had a really sad csi here lately and im looking forward to seing how this reveals more of sara's character not to mention GSR.