"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I have a question: in the promo, who is the old woman Warrick is hugging? Is that his grandmother? Because that would be great, to see Warrick's past a little... he hasn't been on much this season.
I don't know. I guess we will just have to wait and see the show to find out who she is.
Well in one of the spoilers for EE, it mentions that Warrick may know someone. So.... It could be his grandmother, but I'm not holding my breath on it :(
hui said:
Uhm, I thought she was grabbed by one of the victims?

yes, i think it's the sixth victim that sara finds. the girls' probably getting her attention. i'm really excited to see whats gonna happen because the CSI team needs to be hit hard like this, to wake them up i think.

i cant wait to FINALLY see nick and sara together. nick comforting and loving sara like her used to do, before sara and grissom were together.

SNICKERS!! so excited.

and i have to say, everyone looks good in this next episode!
Yes, one of the victims grabs Sara and says something that haunts her, then she dies in Sara's arms.

Sara is not my fave character but this does sound like a very emotional episode. I love that even though it's Sara-centric, all the CSI's are involved. (I wish Cath centered eps were that way)
sara's one of my two fav characters. nick's my first:)

but, yeah, i'm really looking forward to this next epiosde. i love emotional episodes, and especially when the whole team is in on it. and, snickers is just and extra bonus for me.

this epiosde looks really powerful... i'm so excited!
I can't wait to see it, too. It looks like it'll end up completing my Angst!Sara trilogy, along with Nesting Dolls and Committed. Jeez, Sara's my favourite character (along with Calleigh), I'm so glad we're getting this ep!

P.S. Sara's not being grabbed, but simply startled by something unexpected she sees. Luckily. ^^
Wow, I was way off. :lol: poor greggo, but at least he'll get some screentime this week. Glad Sara's getting an episode, whens Warrick's turn? ;) Finally we get a new episode! :D somewhat off topic, but does anyone else hate college basketball? :rolleyes: couldn't watch reruns here because of it.
haha... i dont watch basketball.. i'm a hockey fan:p

back on topic (before mods come!)
i think it's good that there's going to be a very emotional episode. the team really does need to come together and beat it together. i dont no about you guys but, it seems like the team is.. moving again from each other. like, the never talk togetehr anymore. lets just hope this episode (Empty Eyes) will actually open their eyes.
This is going to be a very deep episode for Warrick, Sara and Greg. Greg,getting disturbing news about his civil suit, Warrick knowing one of the showgirl victims and Sara having someone die in her arms. I can't wait.