"Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

xfcanadian I totally agree with your rating. It's like I said, the plot just wasn't up to its usual standards. They just got rushed. *shrugs* We'll have to wait for next week to (hopefully) see a better episode.
I guess everyone just have different opinions on the show. For some it was awesome, a new favorite. For others it was flat, not complete.

One thing I have to add to my "review". As huge of GSR fan I am, I was very, very complimented with the end scene. For those who dislike GSR, I would think could swallow that scene. I am glad TPTB didn't make this episode some "Sympathy for Sara" episode, but instead made it focusing around everyone and to me, that's what made this episode so fantastic

My rating; 8 / 10. They've done better, but this is one of the best IMO.
CSI last night was a case of the parts being greater than the whole. Individual scenes were affecting, but the case and its resolution fell flat.

The scene with Hodges breaking the news to the victim's mother over the phone broke my heart. Hodges was so out of his element, and the way he slowly sank into the chair after realizing that the victim was the woman's child said it all, No haughty Hodges here, just a tired, overwhelmed guy charged with the task of breaking a stranger's heart, and his question to Sara makes me wonder if we'll see any long-term changes in his character.

The scene with Warrick and Emily's grandmother was gorgeous until the old lady started to grieve. It was patently fake and over the top, and the cynical gremlin in the basement of my brain suspects that Gary Dourdan wrapped her in a hug to keep her face hidden from the camera and save the scene.

Why were the CSIs making these notifications in the first place? Isn't that Brass' job, or is it Doc Robbins'?

I realize that TV executives and producers are of the not-unjustified mind that the American viewing public is stupid and therefore unable to grasp implication, but I resented their ham-fisted swinging of the Deep, Terrible Parallel Hammer. Yes, writers, I can see that Sara holding Frost's hand in the ambulance is a symbolic parallel and return to the beginning of the episode, when she held Cammy's hand. I did not need that oh-so-helpful and clumsy flashback. On a related note, I did not need Sara to helpfully exposit that she held the killer's hand just like she held Cammy's. I don't wear a crash helmet to get through the day.

The ending came out of nowhere. Frost has no remorse for the killings, but he tries to kill himself in the same way? Pssh. I took it as him trying to muddy the waters and bog down the investigation, but that doesn't make sense, either, because at that point, he was not a person of interest. Sloppy.

Brass' expression during the interview was gold, however. I love Paul Guilfoyle.

Sara's blubbing at the end was nice, but the reason given for it just screams out trapdoor in case Jorja Fox decides to leave at the end of the season. She "lost perspective"? Well, damn, it's hardly the first time that's happened, or have we forgotten every domestic violence case in which she's ever been involved?

Not a bad episode, but not one of its better outings, and certainly not a "powerful" episode.
Gotta say I just loooooved this ep!!!!!! :D

Jorja Fox was brilliant and heartbreaking at the same time.
I cried A LOT these 42 minutes.... God I missed her , especially since we haven`t seen much of Sara this season. It was about time.

This is a HUGE mistake in the episode, a serial killer like him would NOT do that.

But....he`s not really a serial killer, I mean this was the first time he actually murdered somebody . Like Brass said, he has a record for sexual assault, that`s a difference. *shrugs*
Besides, he was dead drunk the whole time, so I`m not really surprised he tried to kill himself and/ or couldn`t go all the way through with it.
What an a**.
These poor girls. :(

I think if you like this ep or not mostly depends on if you are a Jorja Fox/Sara fan, since last night was very Sara centric.

Some of you said there was not enough Catherine or Greg in it, so it shows that if you identify with a certain character more than you do with others it has a big affect on how you feel about an episode (same thing with the different ships).

Just like (for example) Sara fans are annoyed about Cath drama most of the time.......doesn`t mean we hate the character and I hope nobody takes this the wrong way and feels offended by my post, that`s just what I noticed over the years. :)
Tini said:
Some of you said there was not enough Catherine or Greg in it, so it shows that if you identify with a certain character more than you do with others it has a big affect on how you feel about an episode (same thing with the different ships).

Just like (for example) Sara fans are annoyed about Cath drama most of the time.......doesn`t mean we hate the character and I hope nobody takes this the wrong way and feels offended by my post, that`s just what I noticed over the years. :)

I am a huge Sara fan. But I was upset with the lack of Catherine in the episode. I miss the episodes where Sara and Catherine worked together.

Of course though, I am sure many Cat fans are upset with the lack of her as well. Just as I (or any other Sara fans) would be upset with the lack of Sara in this episode if it had been, especially after a month of not seeing a new episode.

Although I do agree with your "I think if you like this ep or not mostly depends on if you are a Jorja Fox/Sara fan, since last night was very Sara centric." statement.

Some Sara/GSR fans weren't that interested in the episode either. But, most of us were. We loved it. We loved how it played out, we loved the ending. So I do think your perspective of the characters come into play with the episode as a whole.
Tini said:

I think if you like this ep or not mostly depends on if you are a Jorja Fox/Sara fan, since last night was very Sara centric.

Some of you said there was not enough Catherine or Greg in it, so it shows that if you identify with a certain character more than you do with others it has a big affect on how you feel about an episode (same thing with the different ships).

ive noticed this a lot with reviews of all episodes. this is what csi has become, they will feature one or two cast members an episode and we all have our personal favourites which leads to bias in how much we like the episode. i know im guilty of it, when i list of my favourite eps none of them that feature my least favourite character make it in there.

i do agree that individual scenes were very good, but when you put them together the storyline fell flat. that being said, like i said before, when you look at the entire thing from a different perspective (ie the effect on each individual cast member) they did pull off doing something completely different rather well.
But....he`s not really a serial killer, I mean this was the first time he actually murdered somebody . Like Brass said, he has a record for sexual assault, that`s a difference. *shrugs*
Besides, he was dead drunk the whole time, so I`m not really surprised he tried to kill himself and/ or couldn`t go all the way through with it.

serial killers always start off with smaller crimes, such as sexual assualt, and go up from there. He was depicted as psychotic, and since he killed several strangers, he is no doubt a serial murderer. He was caught before he could kill again. Also, the pleasure he got from the killings were classic signs of a serial killer. It does NOT make sense for a psychopath who stated he does NOT feel anything towards the victim to kill himself, no matter how drunk he is. This is probably the most sloppy ending I have seen on the show so far.

I think if you like this ep or not mostly depends on if you are a Jorja Fox/Sara fan, since last night was very Sara centric.

I am not a huge sara fan, but if the episode is good, then I will enjoy it.
Ok well... I actually stayed up to watch it, and I'm split on my reactions.

On the one hand, I loved it because of the girl that played Cammie. I think she did better than anyone else in that episode. When my dad saw her trying to talk he said "Bless her heart," so, she was really good.

Otherwize, it kind of went by fast. I think my issue was the same as some others I saw on here: they jumped to the ending too fast. I think what happened here was they wanted to go more character-based here and because CSI has always tried to stick to both character and case, though case a little more, some of us fans were startled and not really used to it. So.. maybe thats why.

I must say, I liked Hodges' scene. I think Wallace played it really well, and it was convincing. Especially since he has to add a little something extra into his performance because its not the same as one of the CSI's telling a family member that someone's dead. Hodges works with DNA all day, but this was probably the first time the DNA actually belonged to a real person in his mind. So, that was well-portrayed.

And, I must comment on Greg of course. I was overall happy with his screentime. It was kind of wierd though, they had him in the case quite a bit in the beginning, but once Grissom told him about his civil case, he didn't have anything else to do with it. Or did I miss him after that scene? Oh well, I', fine with it, just thought it was odd.

Por fin, GSR. I don't really mind it. I really don't. In fact, I don't care about any ship at all. However, its starting to get redundant ending episodes with GSR scenes. I mean, there have been quite a few endings like that, have there not? Am I just imaging it, or what? I don't know. It just seems like CSI is becoming the GSR show, which amazes me because there isn't a lot of GSR scenes.. I don't know. I guess I should stop discussing ships on this thread so anyways.

Overall, I was not overally impressed.. but it wasn't anywhere near bad. So I'll give it a..... 6.9
Good episode overall,

OMG Wallace Langdom (sp?) was great! He got do something dramatic for once.

I'm not really a fan of GSR but with episodes likes these I'm coming around ;)

The epi was Sara centric, which we haven't seen for awhile :D
But Warrick and the Grandmother were great to
And Hodges wasn't annoying

So the city settled ? I was hoping for more courtroom drama oh well...
Obviously those who saw the preview know poor Greggo's trouble isn't quite over with. Can't wait for next! :D
Clairification: when I said in my post above "But unless I missed it I didn't see where it was mentioned that he said his grandmother passed away".

Apparently some misunderstood what I was saying, I didn't mean the show didn't mention it I know it did, I meant the fans Here, from other posts unless I missed it didn't outright mention it.

Just wanted to straighten that up. ;)
allmaple said:ive noticed this a lot with reviews of all episodes.

Mmmh, me too. But the thing is we always tend to sympathize with characters who are similar to our lifestyle or personality. The same with shipping. If you (for example) identify yourself with Catherine and have a thing for Grissom, of course you want them to get together on the show.
It`s aaaaaaaaaaaall a matter of taste. :)

this is what csi has become, they will feature one or two cast members an episode and we all have our personal favourites which leads to bias in how much we like the episode.

But there is no other way. The writers can`t concentrate on all CSIs in every episode. And since TV shows need to have character development, even CSI (otherwise they wouldn`t be successful), they have to focus on one or two members individually/ each episode. I just think they don`t balance that well enough. *shrughs*

Besides, I don`t think we pepresent the average CSI viewer, allmaple. I mean this is a FAN board. We are obsessed with CSI :lol:....*cough*...ok dedicated, but more "invested" that others.

i know im guilty of it, when i list of my favourite eps none of them that feature my least favourite character make it in there.

I`m more that guilty, just look at my icon :D and that`s exactly what I was trying to say, but my english is not the best, :lol: so thank you for clearing that up.

i do agree that individual scenes were very good

I especially loved the scene with Hodges. Most of the time he really annoys me, but this time was different. The moment he pulled the phone to his chest and took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to say to a mother whose daughter was just violently murdered........really, really intense and awesome. I felt for him.

serial killers always start off with smaller crimes, such as sexual assualt, and go up from there.

Well, that would mean every criminal who murders somebody could be a potential serial killer? He`s not like the MCSK, THAT is a real serial murderer - starts stalking them, plans their death, is obsessed. Our guy just wanted the blonde from the bar, cause the nutcase thought she flirted with him. Not all 6 show girls, wrong time, wrong place for them. But that`s just my opinion, let`s agree to disagree, since he is going to jail and we`ll never know. :)
Well, normally I get on here and Miss Dee has already given the review that sums up my thoughts. This time it was La Guera. :lol: And let me just add, I loved your term, "the Deep, Terrible Parallel Hammer". Very nice, and extremely fitting. Unfortunately, some of the viewing public still need to be whacked over the head, despite having had an educational 6 or 7 years of CSI under their belts. :lol:

I liked the episode, but like so many others I found it rushed at the end. Jorja did a nice job but it was actually Hodges who impressed me the most with his small scene- very poignant. The scene with Warrick and the grandmother was nice as well, especially since Warrick scenes are generally few and far between these days.

I don't know... not much else in this episode stands out to me, despite perfectly good performances from the usual suspects- Brass, Sara, Hodges... even Grissom was less bland than he has been lately. Still, overall I'd have to say that in a season of so many excellent episodes, this one wouldn't rate near the top for me. Maybe I've just started to expect too much from them again! ;)
Well, that would mean every criminal who murders somebody could be a potential serial killer? He`s not like the MCSK, THAT is a real serial murderer - starts stalking them, plans their death, is obsessed. Our guy just wanted the blonde from the bar, cause the nutcase thought she flirted with him. Not all 6 show girls, wrong time, wrong place for them. But that`s just my opinion, let`s agree to disagree, since he is going to jail and we`ll never know.

*sigh* no one seems to understand what I am trying to say. I wasn't making the point that he was specifically a serial killer, but he fit the profile. My point was that he was a psychopath, and one who has that kind of pleasure in killing would most likely become a serial killer. And a psychopath would NOT kill himself...that was just sloppy writing. They clearly showed he was psychotic, and had great pleasure in killing, and those killers do become serial killers. That isn't my opinion, that is what they showed with Brass in the hospital.
mrb105 said:
MacsGirlMel said:
One more thing: Why'd this ep have the extra words at the beginning, the written advisory. I don't recall any other eps doing that, unless they did and Spike's just cut them.

Probably because of the throat's cut, times 7. This was one of the most graphic episodes of CSI of all-time.

Well, this isn't the first time CSI has dealt with rape/sexual assault/murder cases. So, in addition to the 7 throats being slashed, the simple fact that the last victim's pants were pulled all the way down to her ankles showing off a bit more skin in the buttocks region gave the network added incentive to put the warning up. It was a heinous crime with equally disturbing imagery to boot.

xfcanadian said:
this episode was....anticlimatic.

They completely rushed the ending, and there was too much focus on how it was affecting sara, they barely mentioned the crime that much. The crime was supposed to be horrific, but I didn't get that at all. Especially when Sara and Grissom were standing by the dead body flirting...

Um, 6 slashed throats, all of them were bound and they were forced to tie each other up, one of them was raped and the killer slashed his own throat and garnered undeserved sympathy from an emotionally torn CSI. Right. It wasn't horrific. Please. Note my sarcasm.

xfcanadian said:The writing was bad, there were some bad lines near the end. Overall, I was pretty bored. Why would a psychopath who doesn't feel guilt try to kill himself?

I guess I'll answer with another question. Why does a psychopath do anything that he/she does?

kaylyne said:

* Can we quit with the distracting non-chemistry GSR tidbits popping up everywhere? Good grief! Even Nick as a "concerned friend" and Hodges as a just a "colleague" showed more chemistry with Sara here. Grissom just doesn't seem to have chemistry with anyone these days. TPTB have totally killed our lovable bugman and made him into an emotionless creature stuck to the wall. Jeez! Even Warrick and the old lady showed more chemistry.

Amen, kaylyne. Amen.

As for my thoughts on the episode, I nearly fell asleep. Granted, I did just get off working my 10 pm to 6 am shift at work, drove home, stumbled into my house, turned on Digital Cable and watched it half asleep. I don't even remember Catherine interacting with Grissom, let alone noticing their 'flat scene'. I guess if the scene was that flat, that's probably why I don't remember it.

Anyway, even when I've been awake for nearly a day, a good episode of CSI will keep me up. This episode was good, but it lacked something. Something like, I dunno. Pacing.

The pacing was all wrong. Either keep the pace you had in the beginning or choose another route. I agree, the ending was rushed. While I disagree with the killer trying to off himself, it's not because I don't believe he wouldn't have done it. It's because the writer's needed an easy way out to finish the episode and give us that ending.

The flashbacks were overdone as well. I understood the use of the flashback with Nick in the kitchen. It pertained to the evidence, but a few other times, I wasn't sure of the purpose other than to elicit a reaction from the audience watching. Like I said, I was nearly asleep through a lot of this, so I missed details. So maybe it made sense to others who watched.

Overall, I enjoyed all the small character scenes: Hodges, Warrick, Greg and Grissom, and all that. As a whole, the episode was just okay.

Lastly, Jorja nailed each scene she was in. Kudos to her.
kaylyne said:

* Can we quit with the distracting non-chemistry GSR tidbits popping up everywhere? Good grief! Even Nick as a "concerned friend" and Hodges as a just a "colleague" showed more chemistry with Sara here. Grissom just doesn't seem to have chemistry with anyone these days. TPTB have totally killed our lovable bugman and made him into an emotionless creature stuck to the wall. Jeez! Even Warrick and the old lady showed more chemistry.

Uh... no. We can't. Because a lot of fans enjoy them, the actors enjoy them, the writers enjoy them, the producers enjoy them and the showrunners enjoy them.

I happened to find those scenes very moving and very believable. I liked the soft banter they had in the beginning.

They're a couple. They're going to have scenes together. The smart thing that TPTB did was that they always made their scenes about things couples would actually do it work - not like the constant soapy GA humpfest.

If you were going to rant about any episode, I find it odd that this is the one you would pick for that comment.