Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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:lol: sorry everyone for not being here in 3 days, but I was on holidys :p and wow....:eek: I have to say I love that pic....I am making a new icon right at this moment :devil: You know, I would like to see the idea of Calleigh having to go to some fancy funtion and getting called away..... it happened in "Formailities" on LV with Sofia and sometime in season 2 of NY with Lindsay ;) I can't remember the name of the epi though.... :lol: I have been on a major picture hunt, I'll be sure to post some later :D
Thanks for the picture!!I agree,Emily has an amazing body!!...To see her on CSIl:Miami with a nice and formal dress like that,ok,I want to see,but if it's gonna happen :lol: ;)...maybe..why not?It happened to the other 2shows like BG said!<--I hope you had fun!! :)
I would love to write to Emily. Does anyone have an address where I could send something to her?

I would hope they would do something like they did in the other shows with her dressing up; mainly b/c they have done it already but b/c Emily is gorgeous and it would be nice to see Cal's feminine side come out in the show once in while. Not that she is not feminine....well ya know what I mean :D
Just look at the sheer concerntration painted on our Bullet Girls face...... :cool: No pun intended, BTW :lol: And while I am absolutely in love with that piccie..... The rules say that ya have to post a 3 line minimum... :) Okay, I am going to update the Em/Cal montage and Drawings thread soon, I have a bunch of new fanarts.... :devil: Photobucket is just so damn slow for me tonight :p
She is the only person I can think of that can make a toy gun look dangerous ans sexy at the same time....If they ever decide to create a female 007 there she is folks!! :lol:
Bullet_Girl said
And while I am absolutely in love with that piccie..... The rules say that ya have to post a 3 line minimum...

Actually, that rule only applies to Shipper Central. ;) But while we realize some posts require only a short answer, remember to add content to your posts as well to keep the discussion rolling. Also, when posting pictures (since there are often pictures posted here of Emily) it would be a good idea to explain why said picture is being posted. Here's a blurb taken from the 'All about Chatting, Spam, etc' thread.

If you’re going to post a bunch of pics in a particular thread, you could tell us a bit about why you chose the pics you did. Please try to refrain from just posting a bunch of links and saying something like, “Here! I hope you all like these!” On the flip side, if you’re replying to a post where someone has posted some pics, please try to add a bit more content to your post as opposed to just, “Great pics!” Tell us why you feel they’re so great. Something as simple as commenting on why a certain picture is a favorite of yours could spark a great discussion.

There have been quite a few times where a picture has been posted in here and the discussion has come down to a halt. I'm not saying y'all can't post pictures, quite the opposite really, but please keep in mind to add some discussion as well. :)
ooohh....okay, thanks Geni for that :) I am all over the place today :lol: and apologies to Kerosene, if I sounded like a snappy little thing...didn't mean to :) I just found the most amazing little pics.... you know that shoot she did with the little white kitten? like 3 more ones from that :D I am so happy, I'm making a little fan-art called "Unconditional Love" :D
does anyone know what episode calleigh calls horatio handsome? can someone tell me as it has beeen bugging me forages
Cal calls H handsome in the ep Broken. I'm not sure if there are other times when she calls him that but that ep I am sure she does.

She calls him handsome when she is watching the security camera for him to appear while walking down the hall.
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