Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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I only meant it as a joke b/c in Recoil, Backstabbers, Nailed, Death Pool 100 and others as well as in an upcoming ep she constantly yells at him.....I mean Natalia was the mole and she didn't yell at her.

I was just making an oservation not picking on Ryan.
One of these days we're gonna see Calleigh grabbing Ryan by the neck, rubbing his nose all over his mess and yelling, "No! No! No!"

And then Ryan runs away and hides between Eric's legs. Aww.
We can't hear each others voices so we don't know what each of us mean when we say something. That's why I too, get pissed at something others don't see what's wrong with.

A lot of you like Going Under. That was a good one. All about Calleigh for once. :rolleyes:
Yeah so I'd like to apologize, Delkolover, (Jackie, right?) I understand now that you didn't mean it wrongly, but when I first read the post it sounded wrong to me. But now my post sounded wrong too so yeah :lol: So I'm sorry.

Now to move on: Yeah Going Under was a good one. Emily handled the car crash scene very well, but I believe in an interview she said that she really liked it so that shows.
well I believed we all loved Emily, that's the link that bond us here, isn't it so? ;)

now...My favs with Calleigh:

...Going Under (nobody can miss this one, loved that guilt and sad and anger eyes of Cal when she's sitting by that river)

...Recoil (lotsa angst from the usual cool Calleigh...she looked hot even when she's angry! I must be a sicko~ :D)

...Rio (Ryan: Are you sure you want this to be your first act as boss for the day? Calleigh: It's my fifth, so get going. ---looked at that smile on her face when she said that!) :lol:
I like a lot of Calleigh moments,so I am not really certain which are my favorite episodes..I'll say:
Going Under[it's just a different episode and she is not just the CSI..]
Under the influnce[because we had the opportunity to see her with her father]
Man Down[as it have already been said,emotional Calleigh!]

There are a lot of cute and good Cal moments but those are coming to my mind right now! :)
I think Calleigh in Man Down was great and I thought emily really handled and prtrayed the array of emotions her character was experiencing very well.

It was nice to see Calleigh's walls slip a little....I mean you can only keep those walls up for so long and there are only so many things that the walls can repel before they break.

Going Under is a good one but I also love Backstabbers. I thought Cal was great with that little girl and it was great to see that maternal side of her.
Oh yes! That little girl episode was great! Calleigh was sweet and understanding and I love it when she works with children. It brings out a different side in her. I would love to see more episodes like that and that Calleigh would have a kid of her own one day. :D
^Definately a sexy picture :eek: What event is that from? You know they dress Cal so conservative it is often hard to tell she has a :eek: :eek: body underneath!! :lol:
Its from the 2005 Country Music Awards.

Yes, I know that you mean. She has this slamming hot body and then hide it all the time.
We need a Calleigh at the beach episode....in a bikini...
Well I wouldn't mind there being an ep where they have to go to some dressy function and Cal having to wear some sexy slinky dress (like the one in that pic)....The boys jaws on the show would totally drop :lol:
Yeah, Emily has such a sexy body, CSI:Miami should be showing it off a little. I have to say, Calleigh's wardrobe does seem to be getting a little more stylish.
Can you imagine Calleigh responding to a bloody crime scene in a Versace, Vera Wang, Yves Saint Laurent, or some other fancy dress?
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