Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Hi all last nights show was great we had funny Calleigh at the begining and tough Calleigh in the middle with her gun out which i loved then she turned back into funny Calleigh and then tough again also her hair was down which was great and the girls where doing there thing yippe this season Calleigh has been a riot to watch and i hope it get better at the end
Here are the caps for 'Bloodline': 83x Calleigh!
I think she was fab last night! (In the episode!!)
Lots of gunporn and the flight attendant joke! Awesome!
Other than that... episode blehhh... yawn... whatever...
Okay I mentioned it in the other thread and I'll say it again here. I have a major girl crush on Emily! There's only two women in the world I do. Her and Adriana Lima. I know. Two totally different people, but I think they are both gorgeous. I don't know what it is about Emily but I just love her!!! :D She seems really cool and Calleigh was adorable last night. :D
pics of our beautiful Emily that I had just had to share :D

Jealous Cal :devil:

And of course smiling Emily :)

Hey congratulations, xanessa - you just had TWO Emily Procter girlcrush coming-outs in five minutes! :D :p
Here is a question: do you think Emily has a tattoo in real life like Calleigh supposedly has? I've always wondered. :)
:lol: I think it is really cool that Calleigh is finally coming back around after the Eric Delko head injury.

That really damaged the whole team, but prob her the most because she has known him for so long.

It is nice that they are bringing their friendship back....it is just sad that it had to take him almost dying for that to happen. These two really drifted apart after Speed died and
an E/C shipper, who is looking fowards to a possible relationship, I am also really happy that their friendship is being renewed and played upon.

edited by mod to add spoiler code
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