Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Great pictures!!
Thanx for posting BulletGrrrl , LittleWing , Florry86 !! :D

She's so gorgeous!!
I love her shoes too! :D
I love the pic with her dad! So cute and you can totally tell where her eye color comes from. Those heels are pretty scary though! I can only wear shoes that don't hurt, and those look painful.
In the fourth one, that guys like 'Hh my God it's EMILY PROCTER!!!!' Hhe, so funny.

Great piccys, thanks for sharing!

Thanks florry hadn't seen those pics before :D ... she looks soooo sweet and serious in the first one like a proper lecturer :lol:
I don't know why, but this picture just made me laugh:
Hee hee its like a L'Oreal advert 'because Calleigh's worth it!!' :lol: ... I can see the job spec now: person wanted to fluff stars hair in an alarming manner, must the skills of a ninja to conceal oneself from the cameras and leap into action at a moments notice :D <- sign me up :cool:
Thanks HoratioStalker....great pic :D
Here's a funny "behind the scene" pic of Emily :lol:

she seems having so much fun :lol: :lol:
Hey Florry that is a funny pic bit of a wierd angle too almost looks like her foot is made of plastic or something :lol: ... another cool job too carrying around the stars to stop their feet getting wet :cool: bet there was a fight to get Emmy :devil: can you imagine having to lift the boys :eek:
Well...for Adam or Johnny I would have fought seriously :lol:...
the foot like plastic... :eek:....I think...actually there was a little problem with her right leg...I mean it looks like they bandaged it :confused:...probably she injured herself :( ..... this pic always crackes me up when I see it :lol: .... it's so funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey ya *waves* now you come to mention it there does seem to be something around her leg :( though not the one thats sticking out :lol: ... as for the lifting I'd defintly be in Emmy's corner and not just because shes lighter :devil:
I thought her leg was injured too but then they mentioned how hot it was there and if you look closely it looks like it is a bandage that is holding an ice bag on her leg to keep her cool. People do that when they are working in the hot sand on a hot day....it keeps their legs cool and keeps them from swelling b/c of the heat.
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