Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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You really do. Those made me smile, especially the one of her in the cowboy hat, that's just so cute. She's got such a beautiful smile, it makes my heart melt. *sigh* I love her.
I liked the one of her and her mom - I can tell where she gets her looks from! The one in the hat was nice too - you can tell she wasn't all made up for TV. A natural beauty!
Emily's a brave soldier for leaving the house without make-up. I can't even go get the paper without shoving a tube of mascara into my eyes. Sad.
yea i wear eyeliner and when i dont wear it it almost feels as if my eyes are naked
i love your siggy Skylar
lol i think that its an insider, right?
Yeah, after a while it's weird not to wear anything.

Calleigh's bits and pieces will thaw. I get the feeling she'll be getting a lot of action next season. Two hot men after her. Calleigh, you playa. And then Peter? Miss Duquesene if you're nastay!
Leela said:
Got some news:
Emily helps launching the 'Doing More for Pets' Campaign, which "honors rescued pets that have overcome great odds to survive and thrive under harrowing circumstances, thanks to the incredible hard work and dedication of small pet rescue organizations."

That's some great news to hear. :D Thanks for that Leela! And like some have said, she has so much energy. :eek: I'd think after finishing up CSI:Miami, she'd flop on the couch and take a long nap, lol. Glad to see she's out there keeping busy. That woman need some sort of award, lol.

I was thinking today about a good topic to discuss about Emily/Calleigh since the show is now in it's fifth hiatus. Surely we could squee all summer long, but hopefully we could throw in some great discussion as well. :p

So how would you rate the quality of Calleigh scenes this year? How would you rate the writing of said scenes? Is there any storyline you would like to see further developped? Any storyline you feel was forgotten that should be brought forth next season?
Well, if you look as good as her, you probably become confident in your ability not to wear make up out doors. Wouldn't know, being a guy, but she is very beautiful with or without make up!
Wow, those are some great pics, Leela! :D

Since I haven't seen the whole season and I dont know when I will, I can only say I rate the ones I've seen very highly. The writing is fab (as I always think... :p) but yeah... and as for the storyline thing... Maybe something with Kenwall if it hasn't been done already :lol:
I haven't seen all of the seasons in completion yet so I'm going by what I've seen.
Obviously the killer duck scene was killer with me. Had me rolling. I really enjoyed the times when Calleigh was full out laughing or giggling. Seemed like she was always on the phone though. I think she smiled alot more this season which made me really happy because she is just to pretty to be sad all the time.
Of course I love bossy Calleigh and the interaction with her and Ryan was great. (Sorry Carwasher's). When she figured out his gambling and went off on him I loved it. She's scary!

She broke my heart in the season finale when the elevator closed on her and she was looking at Eric. I'm all for a relationship with Delko, I really just want her to be happy, but the look on her face made me want to cry. She just seemed so broken.
We need more laughing and giggling from Calleigh. She really doesn't do it often enough but when she does it is great. The scene where Emily impersonates the flight attendant was great...that has me rolling.

While I love serious Cal b/c she totally kicks ass and Emily plays her well; I want to see Emily be able to expand the range of emotions we see from Cal. I thought she did an awesome job of that in Man Down and in the finale. But those eps were so far apart...we need more consistancy with that.
yeah I agree delkolover :D
Emily plays Calleigh so well and all. They need to get Calleigh to show more emotions on stuff! :D
Emily such a great actor and we know she can do it! :D
The more drama the better!
I have Emily on my desktop and my dad is in town, he saw her on the computer and was like "Who is that?"
I rattled off who she was and he goes "So you like girls now?"

Just this one Dad. :lol:
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