Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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I like Calleigh alot I think she's a good person and she's one of my favourite characters in CSI Miami. I just find her strong, yet sweet and she's beauitful.
Those pics are beautiful Leela! Thanks :) I can't wait to see that episode. Calleigh looked great in that outfit :lol:

Second that moonlighraven! :p
Thanks for the wonderful caps, Leela! :D Love your avatar, by the way ;)

moonlighraven, Welcome to the thread :D You'll have a great time here...hehe... I love welcomeing new people :p
Welcome to the thread moonlighraven! Hope you have tons of fun here :) And yay, Calleigh was not in black :D Thanks for the caps Leela.
What's up guys!!!! Calleigh is indeed a missing angel and a fav of mine of CSIM. Her southern accent is just the cutest!!! All hail Ms. Duquesne!! hehe :D
Okay, who was Calleigh kissing in the preview?

I don't know if this is where to post it..if not i'm sorry :(
It was Jake. There is supposed to a thing where Delko has his heart crushed. I dunno. *shrugs*

There is a spoiler thread devoted to those types of questions. There is would be a lot more there.

Megan <3
Thanks, Leela. I already used that one for dorky. I just need pictures of her looking crazy or hyper or stuff like that. I still have 50 to go. One of them is thirsty. Where the hell am I gonna find a picture of her drinking water or holding a cup or something?
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