Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Oh, I love the Cup picture. Watching the Canucks loose yesterday was heart breaking for this BC boy.
I'm so mad that I missed CSI:Miami on Monday, but I've been watching re runs just to admire how wonderful an actress she's become. It seems the longer the show's on, and the more in tune Emily becomes with Calliegh, the more you can completely get lost in her character. Those eyes, that smile, everything about her *sigh* She's beautiful.
*shakes head* no more beer, much more Miami. Excuse me while I watch a never ending series of Miami reruns.
Night y'all!
LittleWing, please remember to add a little more content to your posts. One word responses can constitute as spamming. Thanks. :)
Hi all that was great episode,
emily was in dont mess with me mode tonight and carla the moouch freloader was on the receiving end of a Calleigh bitch slap that left a big old mark on the freeloader face i loved her comment too. YOU ROCK Emily.i also loved H chopped the knees out from scumbag poolboy and then finsh it of by getting even with scumbitch lawern carla next i hope .
next wek looks better too

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Guys...please remember to use spoiler code in unmarked threads until the episode has a chance to air in all North American time zones.

Thanks! :)
I thought this was an excellent episode for Emily to show off what a great actress she is. She played the lines well and I loved the facial expressions and voice changes (the more almost giggly voice would have to be a new favorite of mine). This season we've seen a lot of serious Calleigh and I loved the chance to get to see playful/flirty Calleigh again tonight. Great job Emily!
happy birthday CaRWash_Cutie!
i was watching an episode of CSIM and i dont remember the episode name but Calleigh said that she has never taken a sick day off (something like that..i was half asleep when i was watching it) and that shows that she is really dedicated to her job
that_girl1 said:
i dont remember the episode name but Calleigh said that she has never taken a sick day off
That was season 1, episode "Body Count" ;) She said that to Det. Hagen!

Anyway, I was VERY happy with last night's episode. Gave Emily a chance to show a variety of emotion. :)
And I loved the fact that they kind of picked up her parents/past again!

Ok, I said I'd share the clip of Emily on last night's ET. Just click on my sig and you'll find it! And thanks again, Jackie! :D :D

Also, Jules is making caps of the episode at the moment, so expect them soon. :)
ooooh, thanks for the caps, Leela :D 151 is alot of icons... :devil:

Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested at having a look at an Emily Procter website layout I made? It's a bit funky, but I used one of my all time favorite pics on it, so thats why I like it :) If ya would like to, just tell me and I'll post the link :)
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