Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Thanks for the caps Leela !She looked really good in the episode!I really liked it! :)

BG ,do post the link! :p
hehe....here ya go, athens! :D


It's not the first layout I made, I got bored with the first one.....so thats the second one and I'm working on another one right now, one with a certain squeal worthy shippery moment on it.. :devil: Also, I had to remove alot of the stars that was on the mask I used so it would fit on the page.. :( :lol: I'm also working on just one of Emily by herself...all pics from Leelas wonderful gallery of course.. :p Except for one, I think ;)

EDIT: I downloaded a coding template from a site on the web, but thats all :p I did the graphics :D
This is really nice!!I like the color,and the way you ''cut'' the yellow outline [?]it's pretty good!Great work!! :D
Thanks, guys! :D What would be another great moment for another layout? I have a template here called "Night Club" so that should be fun... :p Oh, the Emily goodness. Next thing you know theres gonna be one for each epsode of season five.... :eek: :D
Bullet Girl, happy birthday! I hope it's a good one. Great layout by the way. *posts gift*

*squeal* !!! thanks dutchie :D It was great....I got a facial $100 bucks in my bra :p (I got the money in the socks/bra thing from something Cal said in an epi... :lol:) oh, and I'm BLONDE! :D not completely, but its half way between Emilys and lets say...hmm.... well, a very light brown..... I am soo hapy right now lol...Im gonna go do a whole new layout with that picceh.. from "Guenivere" right? sorry if its not spelt correctly, but I'm on a bit of a berry V high :lol:
Guinevere, yeah :lol: You should post a picture of your new look over at the photos thread in misc ;)

OK question: someone said we learned a little more about Calleigh's family past or something? I haven't seen the ep yet, what happened? What did we discover?
Happy Birthday Bullet Girl :)

I thought they mentioned something about Cal's past too. They were supposed to be bringing her dad back this season, maybe next.
Happy Birthday Buller_Girl!!! Hope it is a fantastic one!

Great picture Dutchie. I hadn't seen that one before.

As for the Calleigh's past thing..We just learned that her parents divorced 15 years ago and that it was pretty hard for her. She was talking about her experience with divorce as it pertained to the case. At first it sounded like she was talking about her getting divorced, but she was really talking about her parents. I was totally lost for a moment though. I was like "I know a lot about Calleigh and I've NEVER heard of her being married before!" haha That shows how blonde I am! :lol:
Thanks for all the b-day wishes, guys! :D I had the best birthday, despite the whinging it took to even get my mom to take me to the hairdressers.. :lol:

Thanks for the awesome pic, CSI_Willows! :D

Oh, and yeah....I'll take a pic of myself and post it to that thread in Misc. 'cause I got a digital camera for my b-day too :D *gets paranoid and takes pictures of everything that moves, in hopes that one of those moving things is Emily* ...:lol:

Calleigh past?! :eek: I cannot wait until I see that :D even if its only a little bit... Cal+Dad= great angst! :p
Gosh, it's been awhile since I have posted here, anyways, I just saw Emily in the Toyota/Pro Celeb race, they passed it on the Speed channel, it was pretty good, just wished there would have been a lot more Emily.
Carwash Cutie Said: As for the Calleigh's past thing..We just learned that her parents divorced 15 years ago and that it was pretty hard for her. She was talking about her experience with divorce as it pertained to the case. At first it sounded like she was talking about her getting divorced, but she was really talking about her parents. I was totally lost for a moment though. I was like "I know a lot about Calleigh and I've NEVER heard of her being married before!" haha That shows how blonde I am!

^^OMG i didnt know that, i want to see that epi, when is it on here :eek: I didnt know that about her parents I was always wondering where Calleighs Mom should be but he know i have a answer on that question ;)

and Bullet Girl congrats to your B-day.. I hope it was a good day and here a gift from me:

Thanks for the Emilicious pics, Berylla Nienna :D

and RE: the divorce thingy...

Divorce of your parents is hard for anyone, espescially for someone who bottles up their feelings and trys to hide their emotions... (like mwah, but my parents are together, thank god) Knowing Emily, that scene is/was packed with emotions.....

Heh. I thought that would've been longer. Oh well, :lol:
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