Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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That shoot is so great. Thanks sweetie!

I thought I post this cute pic of Emily...love her hair that way. And I don't wanna talk about the outfit. How cute is that please??!!

Huiiii, beautiful!! Thanks a lot Leela, snagged it and take it as a pre-christmas present :D
Hm, if we could find a pic from Emily in a Santa Costume?? *giggles*
What do I see?? Ponytails! OMG, I've just stopped squeeing at how cute she is in the Celeb Poker clip (planning on starting again in a sec :p) and now you post that... AwMG, I really think I love her.

Well, ok, I do lover her. :p

Thanks for sharing, girls! :)
I think these pictures of Emily are so hot... (Everybody: How hot are they?)... They are so hot, they burned out the CSIFiles server for a while this evening.
sizzzzzzlinnnn pippppinnnn hot :devil:!!! Leela thanks much for putting up those clips and that pic! Jules, omg I think that's the first time I saw that ponytail hairstyle! thanx!!

Emily's so outspoken and cute when she's in that poker game! *rewind, play ;)* I want to learn to play poker too Luna , maybe they will have something like a "Celebrity vs non-celebrity poker" one day, and I would kill to be in that game with the "nothing, nothing! woman" :lol:
Hehe, jue, your last sentence sounds like a very good new thread title: Emily/Calleigh #9: 'The cutest "Nothing! Nothing!"Woman God ever created' :lol:

And :lol: Dynamo: our Emily killed the server? We could've known that, for upcoming hot posts we have to issue a warning to our server doc ;)
:lol: That's so true, Vera! :lol:

And that could be another good thread title: Emily/Calleigh #9: Beware The Hotness, Southern Style! :lol:
_Calleigh_ said:

And that could be another good thread title: Emily/Calleigh #9: Beware The Hotness, Southern Style! :lol:

Oh, that's really a great one! When do we need the next poll??

Okay, excuse me for this, I had to do s/th, and because it's nearly Christmas and I don't know if this might be my last post before, I wanted to bring you all an Emily-present ;) :D


Hope y'all enjoy *waves* :) :p
Love all the pics! And of course the clip! I just love her southern accent, and of course, Emily is so sweet and funny. :D

*puts sunglasses back on*
I know that the Americans celebrate on the 25th....
But we Germans are a bit ahead of you, so:

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