Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I just wanted to say that I liked Calleigh's butt-kick scene tonight...I know it was part of the guy's keeping his cover, but she still totally took charge. And she could to kick his butt for real, I think.
MacsGirlMel said:
I just wanted to say that I liked Calleigh's butt-kick scene tonight...I know it was part of the guy's keeping his cover, but she still totally took charge. And she could to kick his butt for real, I think.

Totally agree with ya. And then the guy tried to save face. :lol:
nienke said:
soooooo a site all over csi miami YES

Hey Nienke,
Welcome on this site,,,
It is all about CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI NY,,, And of course this thread is all about Emily!! :lol:
But I think I met you somewhere,,
Do you live in Holland too? :confused:


P.S. Great pic's everyone! I love them
Vera, actually Cyprus Tv[you may not even know the place ;)]is in season3 and we'll watch Recoil in two days :D..

so I've watched the 4th season on DVD!..
any picture of that butt-kick scene Melly is talking about?!
heh..!count me too in that!>. :lol:

thanks Luna !...I've seen the episode but I din't know it was a rerun :cool:..
When in the world was this pic taken???? Was it during a regular show? It just surprised me to see it because Calleigh's character is such a private person and doesn't like a lot of (sexual) attention on herself. Please let me know all info. Thanks for your help in advance.
It's a screencap from Going Under, more precisely its the scene when Calleigh arrests Sexy - aka Jake Berkeley - in her own hot way. :lol:
I think Jake is going to be on the show a short time, to sort of flesh out Calleigh moreso as a person. You learn bits and pieces about her here and there but I'd like to see more. For instance, I'd love an episode where you see that infamous tattoo.

I don't know what it is about Jake that I don't like for Calleigh. Personally, I think it's because he looks 20 years old and some what of a departure from what we've seen when it comes to men Calleigh date.
Better late than never..... *cough*
....made another Celebrity Poker Showdown clip! Wooots!
I can't link to it directly, but y'all know where it is, right? ;)
*huggles Leelsy* Thanks babe, you made my day! :D

I love her (damn, I'm saying that too much) in Celeb Poker... I'm going to learn how to play until I'll be invincible and then I'll dare her playing strip poker. :devil:
And I've noticed she does that thing with her hair, which I always do all the time! :D Not to mention the *cough*incredibly sexy*cough* bare back. :cool: Oh, and obviously that lovely lovely lovely accent. :)

I can't stop watching the "Nothing, nothing!" part... It's the cutest thing ever! She looks so much like a little girl, sometimes... Just adorable.
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