Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Guys...we all love pics, but when posting pictures please try to add a bit of content to your post as well.

Thanks! :)
_Calleigh_ & Leela thanks for those pics.
She looks so cute as Ainsley. *melts*
And those legs on your pic _Calleigh_.. HOT!!
Thanks all! xx
I want to start a petition here, cause I'm scandalized no one has noticed yet. Both LV and NY got their 'Shower Moments' with their girls (Sara in 4x4 and Stella dunno when, but she did)... Hence my very simple request:


*adds wish to letter for Santa*

I don't think my little sensitive heart would survive such massive hotness, but who cares? I'd die happily. :D
Lunsie, Catherine had a shower moment too in 'built to kill part 1'. I am SO with you.

*adds name on wish list for Santa* :lol:

I mean really, what is wrong with Miami? Almost every guy in LV has had his shirt off, do we get a shirtless scene in Miami? No. (though right now I'm doubting if Eric ever had a shirtless scene, with the diving and all... :confused:)

LV and NY have had shower scenes (heck, LV had a decomposing shower with 2 persons! :devil:), do we get a shower scene in Miami? Nope.

O...kay...going back to topic here: How was the episode? I haven't heard or read anything yet! :eek:
It's unfair! I'm with you too guys...

*put's wish on Santa's list too* ;)

Maybe I can put it on my Sinterklaas list too, maybe he will make our wish come true :rolleyes:
But I think the most of you don't have Sinterklaas, onley the dutchies :)
actually we have it too *puts it on both lists* just to secure it comes true :p

yeah me neither nikki somehow everyone is making a secret about that new epy !! wanna knooow !!
Well, I can't tell you anything about the episode because I didn't have time to watch it yet.... BUT I had time to make some quick caps - here is one:

*swoon* she looks so lovely in that picture, thanks for posting it leela.

have a good day everyone,i'm off to do some work :(, maybe later i'll have time to find some picture to post... well that all depends on whether my computer is in spaz mode like it has been all weekend.Anyways...

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
She looks very classy in the picture. It's reeally lovely.

I want a Cal-shower moment too! :p And, yes, she has gorgeous legs.
Have I already posted I saw BMH 2 in a shop? :lol: They were showing it over there
Another classy cap! Thanks, BG. She looks so classy, as I already mentioned. Look at the earrings, the hair, the shirt, it's just lovely.
Thank you so much for those piccie's Leela and Bulletgrrrl. Emily looked goregous last night as always. But did it bother anyone else how her hair was up and then it was down then it was up and then down again? I mean....I dunno it just puzzled me. I mean yeah people change there hair all the time but this is Miami were talking about they don't solve there cases in a length of a week anymore its always in one day. Anywho that just kinda bothered me.
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