Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Hey guys!

I bring a gift that's long overdue for those of you who obviously love Calleigh AND ship CaRWash. Here's the Link for Chapter 2 of "Jagged Little Memories" and I used the song, "You Oughta Know":


It's told from Calleigh's cute little perspective, so enjoy! :D And feedback at ff.net would be greatly appreciated.
She looks beautiful in those pics (as always). I wish a certain somebody wasn't in there too though, it's making want to scream obsenities into at my computer screen :p.

:p ;)
Awww, such beautiful pictures! Thanks everybody for posting them! :) (I wish I'd been on that party, too, that would have been awesome :D )
And Leela: do you mind if I snag the pic you posted and try s/th with it for another thread? I guess some know for which one... ;) That'd be awfully nice! :)
Thanks a bunch, leela! And how - for the world - could you know which thread I meant?? :D :lol:

Here my wishes for season 5 - Calleigh:
as all of you mentioned: curly hair! Not always but more often...
a really interesting storyline - please, writers,keep your promise!
return of the cheerful Cal
and: a special boyfriend, a secret love, which I won't discuss here but in that special thread ;) :lol:
To all of you: a great and sweet-dreams-filled night!
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