Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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CSI_Ali said:
Sometimes don't you just wanna hug her? She's such a lovely gal in the show and in real life too.

Yes, I totally agree! Luna, I love you for posting all the pics, keep on with it! Can someone give me a hint where I can find all of the promo pics? I saw them somewhere but don't know anymore where?? :rolleyes:

And thanks for the 'permission' Jules ;) I'll do my best when I have enough time! :)
You're more than welcome ;)

I have a few more somewhere, I'll dig them out later if I can find them. I really should name my pics properly so I don't have to go through thousands *slaps self on head*
Thanks for those pictures, they're fantastic! :)

I've got a picture of my own to share this lovely morning...


(Picture courtesy of csimiamionline )

Enjoy! :D
I love her eyes in that pic. There's an even closer-up one of the same pic somewhere and they look sooo bright and green and lovely :D. Why am I spazzing out about some eyes?
Hankster said:
Did Emily ever a Maxim photoshoot? If not, she SHOULD!!! :D

I think she was voted in to the FHM sexiest women poll at some point. I think it was during her stint in The West Wing.

I know I've brought it up here before, but I much prefer Emily in The West Wing. She, along with Mary-Louise Parker, were the best things about that show. She's good in Miami, but she doesnt get enough screentime- what with Season 4 morphing into The David Caruso Show.

CSI_Willows said:
Her eyes are so beautiful :D Can't stop staring at them :) :p

Yeah, I love her *cough*eyes*cough* too! :lol:
KIdding apart, she's probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I know someone will disagree, but so far she is, to me. Emilycious Emily Rocks! :cool:
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