Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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CSI:Miami On Set Visit (8th August 2006)

w00t! That pics awesome! Is there anywhere I can see the video of that? Was it for The Insider or something?
BulletGrrrl, thank you for the picture! :eek: Emily looks fantastic. :D I'm really excited for the new season!

The lab looks...Odd, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. ;)
Oh yay!!! You posted the cute one!!!
Aaawww!!! That's just so cutycute!!!


What I wanted to say: I love her smile on the first one.... ;)
Another "Awwwww" from me! :D I love those pictures, and Calleigh looks really awesome - and HAPPY! :)
Okay, *blushes*: please let me snag one of the pics, too, I have to make s/th with it, please!! I will credit of course when I use them ;)
BulletGrrrl: I know it's a bit late, but how was the shopping-tour? Still some money in your pockets or totally blank? :D ;)

Oh, nearly forget it: Shadowfax, thanks for your link, I like your fic - couldn't read everything yet, but I will go on soon and then review! :)
I would love to see an icon or something else with one of the pics. Credit would be nice! ;)

My shopping tour was great and I still have some money. ;)
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