Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Hey again! I need help regarding Calleigh and what better place to find it than here... :D

I'm looking for a particular pic of Calleigh somewhere between S3 - S5, where she's wearing black, is holding out her gun (drawn at someone), and is looking all tough and pretty at the same time. I don't have any specific episodes in mind, but the picture needs to be clear enough that nothing's blocking her. Could someone please send me a link to that pic? Any help on this would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks! :D
My first thought of Cal + gun + black attire was Under The Influence... Here are a couple of stills:

1 2

Not so good in quality, but maybe I'll find something better. :)
I tried to cap it as well, but the quality still sucks...I can't think of another episode with Calleigh in black with gun atm. If anyone does, do share!

ETA: I spoke too soon, I just went to see the new promo pics for 'Darkroom' and saw Calleigh in black with a gun, though H is next to her and the lighting sucks. But I'll post a link anyway.

here she is. but the light behind her makes it all blurry.

Now you've made me curious Shadow, last time you needed info it was for a very good purpose... :devil:
*pops in* Hellohoo! :D
First of all: thanks Leela for always clearing things up for me, always a lifesaver ;)
Second: WOOOOWW! I have to say I LOOOVE Emily in black! :eek: I never really noticed it, but all your beautiful pictures brought it to my mind - thanks a lot for it!
_Calleigh_ said:

1 2

Not so good in quality, but maybe I'll find something better. :)

On the first one I thought 'gotta love a woman with a gun' and on the second one I thought ' :eek: gotta love a woman who is pursing her lips with a gun' :lol:
Calleigh and a gun is my favourite ship :lol: Under the Influence is a great episode ;) I love that scene with the crocodile on the construction side :lol:
OMG! Thanks for those pics, _Calleigh_! *hugs* 'Under the Influence' *headdesk* How did I forget about that? They're better than what I was expecting. But yeah, if you find another one, please post it here, as I would love to see it. Thanks again! :D

And I agree with saras_girlfriend. I love her posture and the look on her face.

Thanks, Dutchie. I saw that promo too, but you're right, the light behind her is distracting. Hmmm... 'a very good purpose'? Me? *looks around innocently* :rolleyes: It's nothing major, really. I realized I didn't have any icons of Calleigh, and I wanted one that would match the mood of my current fic, "The End of Innocence," since she's supposed to be pretty but tough as hell (hence the black outfit and the gun). :D I was gonna make an icon out of it for my LJ.
Yeah...stupid light...*thows blanket over the sun* :lol:

Yeah, that other info you needed was a VERY good purpose. *evil laughter* I might go chase you for that one. Perfect, isn't it? :devil: (yes, I said the perfect on purpose. I finally bought the CD two days ago.)

softballgirl22 was right, she is in black with a gun in 10-7, but the only cap I found was with her eyes closed. So I'm gonna cap it myself, but I gotta run to the other puter. Hang on.

ETA: Here ya go:

Emily Pic

Hope that's any good for ya. *catches breath from running down and up stairs*

edited by mod as pic was wider than 480px.
*runs from Dutchie* Aaack! You even remembered the name of the next song/chapter! Isn't the CD great? :D

Oh, I like that pic, too, thanks! That's right after she just got a gun to her head, right? Stupid Hagen!
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