Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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*gasp* I love high heels! I'd wear them everyday if I could. But about after walking aroung in them after 6 hours they start to hurt. lol. But it doesn't suprise me that Emily would think that there comfortable.
thanks for the article and the picture :D!!..Even if those high hills were just a bit more comfortable than the others ,that makes them comfortable!..lol :lol:
sienna said:
Perfectly Emily so true :D

This should totally be the next thread title! It's just... It. Besides, we're getting closer to thread #8, aren't we? :D The 8th room of the Temple of Hotness is coming soon. :p

_Calleigh_ That picture is perfect ^ :eek: Where did you found that one? :D And which event is it :p I like your new thread title :lol:
athens, that cap is from 10-7. :D

I agree with speedmonkey2. I love wearing high heels, but yeah... after a few hours of walking in it, they do start to hurt. I guess if you're petite, you just get used to wearing them to add a little height. Plus a lot of them are cute to wear and totally sexy on the feet. I often wonder how high the ones that Emily wears.
I love high heels, but, damn, they're hard to wear. Beauty requires sacrifices... She's just lucky she'd look gorgeous even wearing a paper bag. :rolleyes:
i love high heals but im not aloud to wear them because a problem with my back, but i dont listen to them and where them to look taller and so i dont have to make my trousers shorter. But as pretty as Emily looks in them i never will..
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