Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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i thought i was the only one who had to shorten my pants! lol. i like wearing my heels to make me look taller but they're not comfy. i dont know how emily does it everyday. lol.
Hey, Long time no spoke... I was on vacation and yesterday My computer crashed... *sigh* But now I'm back and ready to talk about Em ;) I missed you guys :p
Tommorow is 'Rampage' in holland, I can't wait to see it!
saturday I was at my uncle's birthday and there was a girl who liked CSI too! But she don't like Emily :mad: I wanted to slap her,,, she said Emily have a terrible voice... I said she had a cute voice, ;) Em's voice is cute right?
GreetZ :)
Sweet Maartje , happy to have you back, and i like Emily's voice to. its so sweet. So let her think what she wants whe love her. And thats important..xxx
Lookie what I've found on ebay...cute hm??!!

I finally had the time today to make some hq scans (most of them are 800x1100px) of all the Charriol ads I have collected over the past months.
Enjoy them here !!!
Did you guys know that Jonathan set up Emily and her current boyfriend? That's so sweet! I read it in an article in the newspaper. :) and Wow:

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