Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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no one had a divine inspration thing going and swithced on the vcr did they? to make caps?
where they in it together?
I think right now I could find a infomerical for this Susan Lucui thing on one of my million channels.

I have the entire add just because Emily was in it. I screamed when I saw it... But it's okay, I guess. They show her using the product without any make-up on so that's an interesting to see.

I will add however, that Emily does look nicer now that she uses it. She looks more refreshed and energized. Not that she wasn't beautiful before but now she's heavenily.

MegantheMonster said:
I will add however, that Emily does look nicer now that she uses it. She looks more refreshed and energized.

Microdermabrasion is teh awesomeness! After I tried it for the first time I was like: "WTF?! Look at my smoothy-smooth skin! It's so smoooooth!" :lol:
(And I'm not saying that to advertise that Susan Lucci product, because I use an entirely different brand... ;) )
It's expensive tough, but it's worth it!
Awww I'd love to see that infomercial now! *pouts*
And you know what, that's one thing I love about Emily: She's often going out in public without any make-up! I've seen pictures from a couple of such occasions and she always looked angelic! :)

I think I need to post a pic.....
*joins the microdermabrasion fan club*

I use it once a week and it's like a little miracle everytime... Now I know even Emilycious uses it, I'll worship it even more. Not as much as I worship Emily, but... :p
I've seen pics of other celebrities attending the LA Fashion Awards but none of Emily yet.... :(
I know that she was supposed to attend, but I don't know if she really WAS there.... guess we have to wait a few more hours.... ;)
I was thinking about buying the thing just because Emily used it but the damn thing is expensive and you have to join some club where they automatically deliever the microderm soap stuff or whatever. I can't deal with that.

But, for Emily I might buy the one made my Neutrogena.

As far as Emily goes... I'll buy it for her.

*yay for microderm whatever!*
Okay, I've looked everywhere for pictures of Emily at this fashion awards thing, and have found none (which is, of course, unacceptable). So I've come to the conclusion that she just needs to have someone following her around everywhere she goes, taking pictures. That would placate everyone, I think :)

I swear I'm not a stalker :lol:
MegantheMonster said:
I was thinking about buying the thing just because Emily used it

Uh, yeah you're not the only one. I'm not all for informercials at all but I was very tempted to purchase it after they showed her using it. Only it was 4AM and if my mom saw that I was up, she'd have a coronary. I swear, Emily could market anything... :)
I know I'm living somewhere south of the moon, but what is this product?
I have this thing from clinique that I use once a week with these minipellets or something in it that exfoliate my skin. :eek:

Is that the same?
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