Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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*sigh* The good old days from seasons one and two. :D

Thanks for the scans Nathalie. :) They're very lovely.
Hey, the scans are from the Dutch DVDs, aren't they? Lovely Nathalie.

Luna! :eek: I certainly DID NOT mean it in that way!
All the pictures are very, very stunning. And Em's too, but Luna's got Em. But I have other people in my 'possession' rightie, Luna?
Why dont we just share her, i want her to and i will have a catfight for it if i have too.. Come on i can handle all of you our just runs of with Emily.
Awesome picture.

I wish I had some ones to show ya guys. But I have you guys to shower me with those beautiful, outragous sexy pictures.

Great pic!

I laughed so hard when I readed your messeges!
You guys are crazy! :lol:
Love you all, you make me laugh ;)
(What would Emily said if she read this all) :rolleyes:

*begs BG to post the HQs soon*

Here's a lovely cap I made (not exactly excellent, but still)... Gotta love her smile.

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