Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Leela i love that pic its very nice .. thanks for it
i found this one as wel its nice she is saying "oops sorry" like something i guess.
oooh,thanks for those cute pics!..in the secons one nath_em if you see it just like it is small you think she is like ''oops sorry'' as you said but then in the bigger size she is explaining something!..and she use her hands to emphasize or something!...anyway,don't know!..I'm not sure!..thanks again! :D :lol:
Oh dear, I was absent for too long I guess - I wanna own a part of Emily, too!! But you all were too fast, hm, now I get out empty again *snief*
But thank god you all posted so lovely pictures, I really adore the HQ one - we need more! (oh, and I had to snag it again, sorry for my insatiate greed :D )
Uh, wicked random but if anyone in the US is up at the this insane hour (3 AM EST) and has the Oxygen channel , Emily and Eva are on for a paid commercial for Youthful Essence. I had it on for background noise but instead can you imagine my surprise when I went to turn it off?
*lol* I'd like to have seen that! These commercials are always good for a laugh! Didn't know that Emily's in one as well....
Youthful Essence, eh? Just googled it because I never heard of it before (though I noticed now that it's sold on German tv as well....). It's a microdermabrasion product - that's ok me thinks.... I do microdermabrasion as well.... I think I would've freaked if I'd seen Emily doing a AB-King/AB-Swing/AB-whatever-crap commercial! *lmao* Coz they're just bloody annoying!
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