Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Dutchie said:
Deal, you take the shoes, I take the rest. ;)
If by 'the rest' you mean the dress, feel free to take, it's not like we need that, right, Calleigh? :devil:
_Calleigh_ said:
Nice one, Nikki, but Emily is cuffed to my bed, as you well know (and Mia can confirm it :p).
She's mine, sorry. :cool:
Oh yes, I can very well confirm that. And let me tell you all, she looks stunning dressed in nothing but cuffs.
*hides before PG meter slams down on her fingers*
Leela said:
*fills three buckets with ice-water and pours them over Sara, Mia and Nikki*

*slaps Leela on head* I'm Luna, you silly girl! :lol: I'll take the "Sara" as a compliment, though. :p

Now, PG13-ly speaking about slash *mind goes further*... How can you not support such perfect couples?

MiaCharlize said:
Hey, that's cold! You better pour that down on Emily, she's the one raising the heat in here!

I second that. :p
*snags shoes and runs for it*
You guys are absolutely naughty.
That pic is great though! Is it from and award show or something?
Who said slash?

I don't have to tell you how much I love that pic...but I do: I absoultely LOOOVE that pic like crazy :D

They make such a cute couple...going off topic here but what happened to the Southsidle thread?
I did not mean the dress...but I could live with that. Though I think it would be too small for me on some points, and too big on other... :(

*gets wet*

HEY! :eek: I didn't do anything! I just said Juma could take the shoes and I'd take the rest! Luna and Mia started about the cuffs! Not me! :lol:
Dutchie said:
*gets wet*

That was quite double-sensed... And I can't believe my little horny mind caught the dirty sense first. :lol: Well, I can. :p

I'd never fit into one of her dresses, but not that I care... They just look beautiful enough on her, no need to take them off her, if not to *self censores thoughts*. :cool:
_Calleigh_ said:

*slaps Leela on head* I'm Luna, you silly girl! :lol: I'll take the "Sara" as a compliment, though. :p

Ooooops! *lol* That's just because you have a different name like EVERYWHERE!!! You're "Sara" on ff.net, aren't you??? :p
See, I'm not silly! I'm just old and confused.....
Here some scans i made:


omg!thanks for all of them! :D>..I haven't seen the one with Jorja[?]and the very first one with the ''gun'' :lol:!thanks again!..Emily is such a pretty woman! ;)
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