Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Dear, I HAVE to watch that interview, espacially after these caps!! I will try your offer on your website, Leela...
Oh, and thank you soooo much for keeping company with me in our little corner, sienna! *hands out some bars of chocolate for the unsuspectinglies* ;)

Edit: where are the pictures to free us from our exile??? Save us, please! :p
Uarghhh I HATE cotton candy! With a vengeance! *lol*
But I love Jimi Hendrix... ;)
And look at that little kitty!! So cuuuute! *wants a cat too, but can't have one because of this stupid allergy! Bleehehehe!*
thanks for the interview jiffijazzy *runs to get “Little Wing,” by Jimi Hendrix*

thanks vera :D *takes chocolate*
I haven't posted a pic in ages *slaps self*, so... Let's take some more sunshine in the official Sunshine Thread! :D

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