Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Oh, don't be sad Jaffy!
You can watch the whole show online at marthastewart.com! :D
I'd put up a link to it, but this website is just made out of flash and nothing else, which means you can't direct-link to something :rolleyes: - but if you search a bit for it you'll find it!
It was sooooo cute! Emily in red! Woooot!

*going to work now*

Hey I managed to get the pic from Martha's site - looks classy, doesn't she!? :)

Looks drool-worthy, to me. :p
And classy, of course. I watched the clip and she was so cute and elegant (man, red suits her). When she spoke about her vacation in Florence I was like "OMG, she was here in Italy and I was abroad! WTF??" *sighs*
I think I might do such a pumpkin vase thing too.... Awesome idea, me thinks! Though I guess that you can't keep it very long in the house, because pumpkins tend to rot very quickly when they're inside.... (at least that's what I experienced).
I also thought it was totally lame that they fastforwarded so much - I'd like to have heard what else Emily and Martha were talking about..... :rolleyes:
Anyway.... I'm gonna buy a pumpkin now :p
Thanks for the info on the Martha Stewart thing. She was adorable. Now I want a pumpkin too. I should really buy some Halloween stuff. *lol*
Yay, boobs! :lol:

She wasn't as skinny as she is now, yet... She was so stunning. Well, she still is, obviously, and she'll always be. :p
Leela said:
Oh, don't be sad Jaffy!
You can watch the whole show online at marthastewart.com!

Aw, I can't though, because I'm at my dad's and he has dial up internet that sucks ass :(
It won't let me watch anything from that site, and it's too slow to download flash player so I can't even really see the site :mad:
What did she talk about?
Well, first thing I remember is that Martha asked her about Rio. Emily said that the producers asked her, during the hiatus, if she wanted to spend three days in Rio (for shooting the premiere eppy) or if she'd like to have an extra week of vacation. And Emily was already in Italy anyway, so she said she'd like to have the extra week. :lol:
Hmmm what else? They talked a lot about decorating and stuff and then made a vase out of a pumkin and decorated it with flowers.... Emily wore a cute red dress (quite shirt-like at the top - I'm sorry, I don't know the English word for it ;)), nude-coloured shoes (I think), and red nail polish. And she wore her hair down.... ;)
I saw it. I saw the tail end... Funny thing was, I was decorating for Halloween when I walked in and bam, there was!

I was all like, "AH! WHY WASN'T I TOLD!"

But yeah, she looked uber beautiful as usual. She was so sweet and nice and Martha said her's was 'organized' compared to hers. I laughed so hard at that.

Someone has to cap that...

*wanders off the find out with she can*


EDIT: http://www.marthastewart.com/static_html/tv/martha/video_popup_content.jhtml?catID=7&artID=2154
Okay I hijacked my friend's computer and was finally able to see it...and all is right in the world again :)
Wow, I'm such a brat, I miss one thing and I complain about it all day :lol:
Emily was adorable though! "Can I come and live with you?" :lol:
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