Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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CSI_Ali said:
I love her eyes in that pic. There's an even closer-up one of the same pic somewhere and they look sooo bright and green and lovely :D. Why am I spazzing out about some eyes?

I love her eyes :D can't stop staring at them :p I wish I was a witness or something on CSI episode so I look into her eyes directly lol :lol: ;)
^I'd become a serial killer if I knew her and Delko would be the ones interrogating me, but knowing my luck I'd get Tripp :lol:.
Dutchie you're back :) Emily was looking for you! :p Nah, just kidding, welcome back ;) I would die to play a guest role in CSI Miami to play a scene with Emily :p
But if you're dead, you can't play a guest role with Em, Soraya! :) Crazy me coming through. :) Well, as a corpse, but...
I had a dream, about that, actually, last night. Well, daydream, kindofthingie. I woke up at 6.30 or something to pee but I couldn't sleep anymore, so I started thinking about what I would do if I'd meet her.. man.. I won't get in details..
RoosCSILover said:
I had a dream, about that, actually, last night. Well, daydream, kindofthingie. I woke up at 6.30 or something to pee but I couldn't sleep anymore, so I started thinking about what I would do if I'd meet her.. man.. I won't get in details..

You little horny Jorny girl! :lol:
I admit I've had dreams about her, too... But they were so sweet. *runs upstairs and goes to sleep*
Hehe. I know. And I really love it. :) Sleep well then, Luna. Have to sleep soon, too.

I watched a part of Em in BMH 2 yesterday, she's so.. WOW.
I won't play a corpse, I'll play the survivor friend of the corpse who needs to be comforted: southern style. Hehe, you didn't think about that, did you? *smacks Roos* So. That was just for fun.
Calleygirl Thank you so much. :D I hope you don't mind that I posted them over in the Jonathan Togo thread. Credited to you of course. :D

I was looking for those. We really wanted to see them over in the Togo thread. ;)

Were there more of Jonathan? :D
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