Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

Hi all! Have you seen the latest tv guide magazine that featured Emily? It showed pictures of her with Adam & Eva in the set of "Backfire". She also said this about Adam's return next season-"It's not the same show without him.He's really happy to be back.He missed me. I know he did. I can tell.";)

Thanks for the info ec4evr :). That's so sweet and funny of her :D I agree ladyd10, I bet she missed him too ;).

Gotta go get TV Guide...
Hi folks,

Here's a copy of Emily's TV Guide article. Credit goes to jengeortx over on Twitter, and to vignes (who's also a member of this forum) for posting it over at the CBS CSIM message board. I'm wrapping the article in spoiler code just in case, since it contains info about the upcoming episode 8.20, "Backfire."


I love Emily's quirky sense of humor ... she always cracks me up with her interviews!:guffaw: It's nice to see that she doesn't take herself too seriously and has remained grounded despite the success of CSIM. I too am pretty sure that she (and the rest of the cast) missed Adam just as much as she jokes about him missing her.;) I love :luvlove: the picture of them together in the article. It's no surprise that two people as impossibly good-looking as these 2 make such a stunning couple.
Thank you so much for the interview!!!!

Emily is so funny! I love the pictures :thumbsup:

I love the fact that you have a French speaking site and are inviting all on this forum to join you. That's wonderful. Good luck to it and your French fluent conpatriots. I'll never go there because I cannot read, write or speak French. I'm not an idiot, but have chosen another world language to learn, which will make me more employable in my country. For our many European members that may have fluency in French, that's a great boon. Thanks for creating another World outlet for our precious Emily. Any extra positive publicity is great!
Hey everyone, I can't wait for "Backfire"! Only two more days until the episode airs. It will definitely be an interesting episode and we get to see how great of an actress she is.

On another thought, I was on facebook and I was on the Emily Procter page and I saw some pictures of her with some other guy in a photoshoot and some of the comments say that it is her boyfriend. So just curious if anyone knows anything about this.
Hey everyone, I can't wait for "Backfire"! Only two more days until the episode airs. It will definitely be an interesting episode and we get to see how great of an actress she is.

On another thought, I was on facebook and I was on the Emily Procter page and I saw some pictures of her with some other guy in a photoshoot and some of the comments say that it is her boyfriend. So just curious if anyone knows anything about this.

I know exactly what your talking about...and those pictures are not new. On myspace the fansite has a scanned copy of the pics you're talking about. and it states that the pics were taken in 2006...nd her age in the article is 37 (she 41 now). so officially no one knows who shes dating now...it could be him or some one else...all she's said was she had a DUDE...
As you all have noticed in these years (faithful fans!!!;)) Emily has a great capacity to keep her private life quite private. The only clue we have about her dating is that she says she has a dude when she was at Chelsea Lately. I hope she is still dating and she is happy!

For the picture on facebook, be careful! There are some people who pretend to be Emily on facebook and we officially know it's not her. There are a lot of people who believe these fake accounts, it's not just wrong towards Emily but mostly for all that people who trust who's pretending to be her. It's called fraud and it's not a very nice thing.. I mean, if you love Emily, found a fansite, don't pretend to be her! :rolleyes:
Sorry for the ranting, but I really care for all of you who follow Emily like I do and I don't like to know that someone is using Emily's image...
As you all have noticed in these years (faithful fans!!!;)) Emily has a great capacity to keep her private life quite private. The only clue we have about her dating is that she says she has a dude when she was at Chelsea Lately. I hope she is still dating and she is happy!

For the picture on facebook, be careful! There are some people who pretend to be Emily on facebook and we officially know it's not her. There are a lot of people who believe these fake accounts, it's not just wrong towards Emily but mostly for all that people who trust who's pretending to be her. It's called fraud and it's not a very nice thing.. I mean, if you love Emily, found a fansite, don't pretend to be her! :rolleyes:
Sorry for the ranting, but I really care for all of you who follow Emily like I do and I don't like to know that someone is using Emily's image...
exactly...Emily fans know that she has no fan outlet (no facebook, myspace, or twitter etc) she's said on many occasions she's not internet savvy lol. the only thing official is her actual page...
Absolutely! AnAwardForEmily and, above all, Emily Procter Fansite are always looking around for this kind of profiles. So, whenever you find something like it, contact us, we'll try to have them erased or, at least, we'll spread the word they are not official!

Changing the subject, a fan on our Myspace has commented saying that from what she has seen in the promos, Emily will give us an award deserving performance tomorrow (doesn't she always?:))..are you ready for another campaign? ;)
Changing the subject, a fan on our Myspace has commented saying that from what she has seen in the promos, Emily will give us an award deserving performance tomorrow (doesn't she always?:))..are you ready for another campaign? ;)

And I completely agree! She has never disappointed us with these kind of epis :D Look at SGIYC, SYG, Going Under... I'm really looking forward to it and hoping she'll get the credibility she deserves this year :rolleyes:

Yaay!! Can't wait! :D
Loved the expanded article! TRhanks for sharing. Her concept for an episode of a "despicible crime" at a puppy mill has some potential. It could be very hot button and emotional. Just locally we had a news story about neglected and abused horses found filthy and starving in a barn. Isn't Adam Rodriguez supposed to be writing and directing a little next year? Hmn......
Thank you so much for the interview!!!!

Emily is so funny! I love the pictures :thumbsup:

I love the fact that you have a French speaking site and are inviting all on this forum to join you. That's wonderful. Good luck to it and your French fluent conpatriots. I'll never go there because I cannot read, write or speak French. I'm not an idiot, but have chosen another world language to learn, which will make me more employable in my country. For our many European members that may have fluency in French, that's a great boon. Thanks for creating another World outlet for our precious Emily. Any extra positive publicity is great!

Thank you so much Lady10!!!
I think that nowadays it's important for an actress to have the largest publicity on Internet that we can do, so with a friend who has a forum on Lisa Edelstein of House we realized that we were both great fans of Emily and after searching for french forum about Emily we realized that there wasn't any!
So we decided last summer to open this forum so that people wo don't understand English can come here to have all the translations they asks.

I'm very impatient to see Backfire, this ep looks so great!! I know that Emily will be perfect in it, she is always wonderfull when she plays action scenes!