Quite frankly, IDK whether CSI ratings will drop or not after a possible departure from both Emily and Adam, but I guess there's not point in arguing on this kind of topic 'cause no one will ever agree on it. But ratings are tricky.
Emily said that there's always a point where the show is gonna end...no matter what they're gonna create...people will get tired of the whole CSI:Franchise. I guess this point has come a while ago and it didn't just concern viewers. I've come to think that the actors are the first ones who get tired b/c of the franchise....I don't know why, but I really thought that both Adam and Emily kind of got tired of playing on it.
If they want to leave the show b/c they want something new...well...good for them, I wish them all the best as they really deserve it, but, honestly, this won't stop me from going on watching this show because they both had their storylines while they were on it (even if they weren't the best ones, IMHO), now it's time for other people to get the screentime they deserve.
As for their contracts, I alredy knew that Emily's contract was up at the end of 2009 so I haven't been worried, at all, till this crazy interview. I think it's absolutely insane that TPTB don't know how to negotate with their actors...but then again they're the same people who created a flashback with a ghost even without knowing whether this person wanted to work for thim or just didn't want to have anything to do with them. So, the fact they're having bad negotations doesn't surprise me, at all.
All I hope is that this has nothing to do with money 'cause that would be depressing not to mention disappointing both from TPTB and Emily/Adam. Sorry but money stuff always drives me crazy.
Anyway, I really hope Emily is not gonna leave the show, but, even if she's my fav. actress, this doesn't mean I'll stop watching a show I've learned to love and consider as my fav. one ever