The time information was totally wrong and even if I set the memo, I never got their email telling me that Emily was going to be there an hour later. Now I understand why LOL
Thank god I was there when I noticed that live chat was on
. Yep I got the chance to ask her a couple of questions, though it was her friend Larry who typed for her
...which was kind of weird...oh well I was talking to Emily who was in the body of someone else LOL, everything is all right especially if I think about the fact I'm at home with the H1N1 flu :wtf:
As for her talking alone for 15 minutes I guess that's because she was the only one who had the right time info. and I agree it was a waste of time for her, not to mention that she was missing her plane few minutes later LOL.
Plus there was something completely wrong with that chatroom as none of us except for Emily was able to see the questions and everyone saw her typing the whole time answering sometimes forgetting to quote the questions, so most of the time people didn't really have the chance to see what she was talking about or, better say, what was going on.
As always she seemed very kind and cheerful, not to mention that she would have loved to answer everyone's questions
. Plus, what can I say? I almost fainted when she finally said "hey Flo" :angel:
But the question remains...will Calleigh leave the lab or not?
Ah thanks
silentdisco for the info. I'm glad to know that I wasn't insane LOL