Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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she looks extremely good for her age. not that 40s old or anything. Ive seen some people who look a lot older than 40 and be younger than Emily.

shes one talented person, she's always smiling too!!
katelynn said:
she looks extremely good for her age. not that 40s old or anything. Ive seen some people who look a lot older than 40 and be younger than Emily.

shes one talented person, she's always smiling too!!
im not saying that she doesnt bc i would be liein my butt off. but she looks better than n e one i know!
katelynn said:
she looks extremely good for her age. not that 40s old or anything. Ive seen some people who look a lot older than 40 and be younger than Emily.
Thank you for saying 40 isn't old, considering I'm crash landing there soon. :lol:

She definitely does look much younger than her age - must be all the good fun she has. Ok folks, raise your hands, who would have wanted to squeeze into her luggage for that Italy trip!? *raises both hands*

I also loved the trivia piece that she volunteers at a church soup kitchen - not only is she blessed with tons of Southern grace and beauty, but she's a true sweetie, too, giving back some of what she's been given. :)
And of course Kevin Katt keeps her young too. Animals lower your blood pressure and keep you smiling and laughing.
oh my gosh she is amazing! i would do anything to meet her someday :) and she definitely doesnt look even close to forty! thanks for the mag scans!!
Leela thanx for thew scans!! :)

I really liked that interview! :D
And I loved the pictures, specially the 3th one! Gorgeous!:D
Can't believe how old she is...If I look half that good when I'm her age I'll be happy... :lol:
My brother refuses to believe she's nearly 40. Hell I do too.
She so sweet, just one of those people who's nevr mean to anyone and always smiling. Wish i could be like that.
if i even tried to smile all day i would go mad! she is just perfect, i know of no one else who could b as bright and cheerful as the beautiful Emily Procter. :D
Haha, I'm always smiling. It bugs people.

Huh? I heard people mentioning a promotion for Calleigh? Interesting notion. I've thought about it before, but I don't think it would happen.

Realistically, it would involve her leaving the show, or Horatio leaving the show and I don't see either happening. But, it would be a good idea if Emily ever wanted to leave. Instead of them killig her off, they could write her out via a promotion to a lab elsewhere.

I'd like to see her have more responsibility though. We got glimmers when she had to mentor Ryan, but more would be good for her. She's supposed to be the shows leading lady but, this last season and a half, we've not been getting that much out of her.

I hope, once filmng resumes, she gets more screen time.
I liked when Calleigh was mentoring Ryan and his first episode I thought it was some what hilarious that they really didnt get off on the right foot.
Then as the seasons went on there was a small bit of chemistry there and now they seem pretty close.
yea since he took over her part they were at each others throat. but they are much closer thankfully. it is funny to see them fight though, i think they are more like brother and sister than bf and gf.
New Interview regarding "Rally to the Rescue"
It's TOO CUTE :)
Credit to http://www.myspace.com/emilyprocterfansite

Actress Emily Procter has played many roles. On the West Wing, she won us over as feisty Deputy White House Counsel Ainsley Hayes and on CSI Miami, she gets under our skin each week as detective Calleigh Duquesne. In her personal life, Procter plays the part of volunteer by donating her time and energy to both human and animal charities. But the role we adore her for the most is the one she plays each day as mother to her rescued cat Kevin. We sat down with the energetic star the day she congratulated Rummy, a rescue dog who became the winner in Purina’s annual “Rally to the Rescue” contest.

Your rescued cat Kevin has an interesting story doesn’t he?
Kevin was born in my friend’s wall down in Hermosa Beach [California]. She was working for PETA at the time so she had the [local] humane society come and get the cats out of the wall. They were tiny. Their eyes weren’t open and they didn’t have hair so we nursed them and taught them to go to the bathroom. Eventually, when they were old enough, we put an ad in the paper and had people come to adopt them. I had fallen so in love with Kevin but just wasn’t willing to admit it because up until that point, I only had dogs and wasn’t too familiar with cats. My friend finally said to me, “You know, you never let anyone go home with Kevin. You always find something wrong with the people who come to adopt him, so why don’t you just admit that you want him?” So I made a friend of mine adopt Kevin with me and I said, “Ok now Kevin is our cat and not just my cat.” Within the first week I went to my friend and said, “I know what I said, but I have to keep Kevin here with me full time. I can’t live without him.” That was 15 years ago.

Wow, 15 years ago! Is that when your love for animals started?
Oh no, I’ve had animals my whole life. I mean I’ve had a bird, a calf. I’ve had a lamb. I still have a turtle. My mom and my aunt are animal lovers from way back in the day. We’ve always had animals. Always.

So you have just Kevin, right? Any dogs?
At the moment I don’t have any dogs. I would like to get a dog for Kevin. I keep trying things out but he’s not so open to the idea at the moment. He’s difficult.

What are some of the shelters or rescue organizations that you have helped?
I have not been officially asked to do anything before [Rally to the Rescue] and this has been wonderful for me because I feel like I’m able to make a large impact. But every animal that my friends have ever gotten, I’ve encouraged them to get from a shelter and I usually go with them.

Any intentions of working with rescue organizations?
It’s hard for me to have a specific other job. At the moment what I usually do is try to adopt as many animals I can for me and my friends and take care of them.

You’re a big interior-design buff. How do you keep a clean house with Kevin running around?
Kevin is a very great guy, however he thinks nothing of ruining a custom pair of drapes. People are like, “Look at your drapes, they’re ruined!” And I’m like, “I know, it’s Kevin.”

What character trait in cats do you wish you had more of in yourself?
The ability to relax. Kevin feels entitled to relax all day long and I never feel that.

Fill in the blank. If I didn’t have Kevin as a pet I would definitely have a…
Probably another cat or a dog. I’ll have something. I’ll have any [animal] that needed a good home.

How will you and Kevin be spending the holidays?
He gets lots of presents. A lot of people come over and there are lots of parties. He assumes they’re all for him.
Awww... Kitty!! So nice to hear she has such a love for animals and has the means to help them out. And that she lets herself be owned by her kitty. :p
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