Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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Awwwwwww Kevin...I love him :D too cute

thank you so much LittleWing for posting it.
It's such a cute interview.....Oh I totally can imagine Emily with calf or a sheep :lol:
Her love for animals is fantastic.
Ahaha I knew Kevin owned her :lol: go Kevin :lol:
LittleWing, your signature banner is a tad big for the forums. ;) It should be no larger than 220x75. It would be greatly appreciated if you could ammend it. Thanks. :)
I need you guys to add more content please. When we move over to the new thread, you're going to have to have 10 words minimum anyway, might as well practice now!

Also, this is a discussion thread. Although we don't usually shoot for the stars, a good paragraph is excellent for discussion :)
10 words? When did that change? I think I missed something.

Ah, well, I usually talk too much anyways. :lol:

I have just watched Emily's episode of Friends, someone mentioned it up there somewhere^. How great is she? All flirty with Joey (and that other dude is hot!). She's such a versatile actress. I mean, compare her performance in Big Mamma's house 2, to Friends, to The West Wing, to Miami; it's amazing how she can convey so many emotions so effortlessly.

I often compare Emily to Gillian Anderson. Though their acting styles are completely different (and both highly admirable) they both have this ability to convey everything through their eyes. No other facial expression is necessary sometimes, it's as though you can see the glint of anger cross her eyes, and the slight softening of her gaze when she's around someone she cares about. Maybe it's just me who notices such minute details, because I have to focus on them myself, but it's something I think is very effective.

In my own acting, I meet people everyday who struggle to show the most basic of emotions, simply because they cannot bring it to the surface. Emily (and Gillian) can do this without thinking and it is, in my opinion, the sign of a great actress.
Thanks for the pictures!

^I haven't seen her on Friends ,I just saw some caps of it.She must have been way different from Calleigh there.Her role in Big Mamma's House was really good.I enjoyed watching her act in such a different role from CSI..
since when did emily have a role in a band?! man i had no idea she sang/played an instrument! if so does n e one know wat the name of the band is??? thx!
Hmm I have to say that I don't know exactly since when she has a band (I think it was 2005...but I'm not sure about it) but I perfectly know that the name of this band is WHITE LIGHTNING in which Emily is the upper singer and she plays the fictional role of Brittany Wednesday ;)
They usually sing powerd ballad like for example "Lady" by Styx.
Unfortunately that's all I know about her band :confused:

Ahaha Big Momma cracked me up...it was a completely different role she had to play from CSI:Miami and I love how she played it so well.
And I totally agree with Adorelo about her facial expressions...they tell everything in just one second :eek: :D it's amazing.
She was very good also at flirting with Joey and the other cow boy in "Friends"
But her best movie for me was "Family plan" with Leslie Nielsen :lol: . I think it was the best occasion for her to show her ability in changing mood in only one secon ;). I loved it :D
Florry86 said:
But her best movie for me was "Family plan" with Leslie Nielsen :lol: . I think it was the best occasion for her to show her ability in changing mood in only one second ;). I loved it :D

Definitely, she was amazing in that. Such well developed character, I don't think another actress would have been able to achieve the same effect as Emily did.

I also like her role in Breast Men. It was not a role I could picture her playing and, when I heard about it, I was a little dubious. Not because I didn't think she could do it, but because it was so different from the things I'd seem her do before, and I wondered if it was too different. She was amazing though, showing just the right amount of emotion without becoming melodramatic. It's a fine line many struggle to walk, but I think Emily stays just the perfect side of it in everything she does. Her tears seemed real, not forced like some, and the viewer could feel the pure anguish radiating from her (rather than just seeing it), without becoming oppressed by it. She really did a great job.

Emily needs to record her band, people would love to hear :lol:. Jon Togo (Ryan) says they're 'pretty amazing' and I'm sure many would love to hear for themselves. It's cool how she's playing a character when she sings, it makes it so unique.
Hi! first post ever!

I have to agree with Jodie. Emily is a master of subtlty and body language. She doesn't need to expend large amounts of energy on huge gestures and expressions when small ones will do a better job. I remember somewhere on another board that someone accused her of being a robotic actress because she didn't seem to convey any emotion at all. Not so. Even the directors praise her for her ability to convey emotions without a veritable physical explosion. I think it was Elizabeth Devine who praised her on being a master at allowing her eyes to well with tears, but never let a single drop fall.
Thanks for the invterview and pics, LittleWing!

I haven't seen Family Plan yet but I loved her in Big Momma's House2 and Breast Men. 2 opposite roles and both with stellar performance. Anyone know where I can get a copy to rent or otherwise of her movie Forever Fabulous? I can't seem to find it anywere :(

So we don't know if Emily's band is playing anywhere anytime? I really wanna go see them and I heard she has costumes!
wow white lighting is a cool name! :D
so does she play a big role in family plan?
my b day is coming up soon so maybe i can get it for my bday
its not rated R is it???
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