Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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i am not too fond of the audition pictures, his hair looks weird to me, but everyones hair looks funny when the lights are off!!! ;)
Thanks, La Guera. My interest lies partly in the fact that I happen to be a gimpy Witch myself. I don't know about levitating teacups but there is magic happening all the time around here in one form or another. But she can't have a cat if Don's allergic. A witch without a cat? Well, there are other pets. I'm going to check out your stories. What does "crack" mean?
No problem. I'll be interested to see what you think. No cats, but she keeps him on his toes. Maybe he'll get her a dog someday.

"Crack" basically means that I am well aware that such things will never, ever happen in canon.
Yes, your crackfic is addictive. But I haven't gotten my fix in some time, so I'm going to have to fix that in short order.

Back to Eddie... he has to know that he's good looking, but I don't know if he trades on it as much as he could :lol:. For crying out loud, we could have been delivering our panties to him instead of to Hill Harper.
My apologies for two similar posts. I've got a request and I already posted it in the other Eddie thread. Recently I saw a pic of Eddie sitting on a motorcyle. An electric blue vintage Harley, if memory serves correct. If anyone has this pic, can you please please please post it?
La_Guera said:

"Crack" basically means that I am well aware that such things will never, ever happen in canon.

Ah, kind of like my friend's Angie Watson and Don Flack story that someone criticized when I mentioned it. I've been doing some research about fanfiction and the concept of "fanon", and it sure seems to be tricky waters to navigate! You never know what will offend someone. I thought that it was just creative writing...(?) Anyway, I practice Witchcraft and have for 18 years, so I'm curious to see how you write a "magical" wife for Flack. I read a bit of the one where they went on a picnic, but I haven't read enough to tell you what I think. ;) I really have a hard time navigating those Live Journals. All links and "LJ cuts". Eeekkk!!! FF dot net is much easier! :lol:

I'll see if I can locate that pic of Eddie on the motorcycle; I'd love to see it myself!!!

Oh, and I think the reason that Eddie doesn't trade on his good looks is that he has no ego like some great looking guys do. He's just so unassuming, from what I've observed.
hidinginmyeyes, I believe all I did was comment that I didn't *see* the relationship happening, that's not criticism, that's expressing an opinion. If I got snarky with you over it, it was when you tried to talk about slash being 'strange,' etc, which is not even a discussion for this forum.

La Guera, I haven't read any of your crackier stories with Rebecca, although I'd like to sit down and get into some of the HP stuff. :p The ones I've read about her with Flack, though, are great. You're an amazing author. :D (But, I have to admit, my favorite stories are "Brothers and Sisters" and "Field of Dreams," I believe those are the names ;)--and those are Flack-centric, so I'm not totally off-topic! :lol:).

Now back to the Eddie pictures! *loves Eddie* :lol:

Guh, the eyessss...

I love this picture, it's hilarious! :lol:
Thanks for the clarification, Faylinn. Here's a nighty-night pic for all to enjoy.


I swear he is the most beautiful man on the planet.
^ Is he wearing one of those 'friendship' necklaces? Crap, I haven't worn one of those since I was eight-years-old. :lol:

I'm assuming his girlfriend would have the other half (unless he's very secure with himself, which I'll say, "Go Eddie.")

Other than that, great pictures people!
It's one half of "Love" and I assume that his girlfriend has the other half. So sweet, huh? Damn, I love this man!!!
Ah ok, I wasn't able to tell what his half of the heart said.

But that is very sweet. He's intelligent, handsome, and a total sweetheart...damn, why couldn't there be more like him? :lol:
He says it in the episode called Live or Let Die
YAY!!! that episode's coming on TV on Thursday again. His so pretty! Have to admit I much prefer him with the short hair. It brings his eyes out more. Although his hair in the Miracle Casting pics that afrikana posted are actually hot. My brother's hair is cut like that. But he has NOTHING on Eddie. Haha

ETA: okay.. I have too many eddie pics. He officially now has his own File on my PC. Very few men get that priveledge.
hidinginmyeyes said:
Oh, and I think the reason that Eddie doesn't trade on his good looks is that he has no ego like some great looking guys do. He's just so unassuming, from what I've observed.

No, I wasn't suggesting that he trade on his looks to get girls. On the contrary, it adds to the sexiness of the man that he doesn't trade on his looks for the girls. In fact, none of the men on the show seem to do that - makes them so much more unattainable and so much more f-able.
^^I agree with you there Springmoon. They all do seem to be really nice guys, and Goddess love 'em for it!

Did you all see the special feature on Jamalot on the Season2 DVDs? I love how they talk to Eddie, of all of them, about the roller derby girls. Too cute! Oh wait, they talked to Gary too, and Melina.
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