Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Okay, so I was going through some pictures of Eddie the other day and I stumbled across a picture.. I showed this to Fay, I believe, and I think his funny facial expressions are.. well.. :p You'll see.

^ :lol: OMG I can't breath. Did the photographers catch him at the wrong moment or did he do that on purpose? Wow, and I thought Carmine was the only one with the funny pic out there. Somebody needs to make me an icon with that face hahaha. Thanks for posting that.
Heh heh heh, the face strikes again. :lol: He kind of looks like a little kid that didn't get his way. :lol:
I think the picture of Eddie making that face is going to stay with me for the rest of my days.

How in the world do I continue to take Flack seriously on the show? The world may never know... :lol: :rolleyes:
ShuriyuCSI said:
Okay, so I was going through some pictures of Eddie the other day and I stumbled across a picture.. I showed this to Fay, I believe, and I think his funny facial expressions are.. well.. :p You'll see.



Eddie: WAAAAAAAAAH! Who stole my candy?! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah, gimme my candy back! Waaaaaaaaah!

*right-click saves for posterity's sake*
I think that's from the Lords of Dogtown premiere. It's really cute, I agree! Here's another one:
These funny Eddie pics are great! :lol: Eddie clearly has a blast on the red carpet. :lol:
those last two pics were awesome!!! the thing that is really cool about eddie on the red carpet is he stopped and talked to every camera crew, reporter, photographer and everything. there were a lot of actors at that red carpet that just flew by. they didnt wave to us fans or anything, but eddie was on that red carpet for like close to two hours. he waved over to us fans and made a silly face and all that, he was very personable. made me love him even more!!! :)
Cahill Fan you don't know how jealous you just made me! :lol: Did you get to talk to him?! Photos please! :D
See? I just knew he'd be like that. He's got no ego, no star persona. I hope he never changes in that way. I'm thinking that when I go down to LA to visit my friend, I'll hang out in Burbank and see if they do any street shots, since that's where NY is filmed. :)
sadly we didn't get to talk to him since we were behind this roped off area off to the side of the red carpet. but we could see him just fine. he was one of the first stars to get there and he stopped at every person who wanted to talk to him. and he didnt just talk and than leave. like he had long conversations with them. and he is very animated...kinda like that picture up above. but when he was nearest to the red carpet we were all yelling and he stuck out his tongue and did that "rock on" pose, and waved and all that. it was during csi:ny's first season, so a lot of the girls there were for johnny knoxsville and didnt know who eddie was until i said he was Tag on Friends. The pictures my sister took did not come out too great (I was video taping him) but the girls that were with us sold us (long story) a copy of the pictures they took. i will get that loaded up for you and share the pics with you all!!! :)

Oh. My. God. It just doesn't get any better than this. I think someone mentioned this photoshoot, but I can't remember which one it was.
I know we're not supposed to double post but come on ladies, we can't let Eddie's threads get buried! Didn't you all love him in episode 6? It was a Flack-fest! I'm waiting for the screencaps because there were some great ones.

Post away! We can't let Carmine leave Eddie in the dust. Don't worry, I love Carmine too! But Eddie (in case you couldn't tell) is my favorite!
^^^ I feel ya, we have to keep posting. Yesterday was a bad day, I coudn't get on here and I started going through Eddie withdrawls!!!
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