Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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^^ I loved how Don looked in Heroes. That was such a great episode. It will be fun to see the caps from the latest ep as well. If you blink you'll miss seeing him in the t shirt so I hope they get a cap of that. I'll be watching the episode again tomorrow. I always have to watch it over because there is so much going on it's easy to miss stuff.
I know, I only caught a glimpse of him in the t-shirt! I'm sure somebody got a screencap, hopefully.
Lol it was nice to see him (if only briefly) off the job. I caught the brief clip of him in the yellow shirt and thought, "OMG. He does own something other than a suit!"
Yeah but did they have to make the shirt yellow. I guess since the clip was so short they had to make sure they caught our attention. I was hoping we would have actually seen he with some of the kids. ;)
Thanks for the screencap, godsgracie12 ! ;)

The moment of this sexy view was condemned shortly but Don Flack in his yellow shirt and with sunglasses was a sight to behold ! :eek:

At the first time he was not in his job and finally without suit and tie as always.

He looks so angelic in this * unusual * outfit... :eek: :D
There must be some genetic anomaly. No one can be that sexy and have such pretty eyes and still have one of the most charming personalities. He's perfect, and I can honestly say that. :)

It gives me hope to know that guys are not all jerks.
holy SHIZNIT!!! is it just me or is the yellow nto bad at ALL on him.

*fans self*

I think he looks frickin edible there. like a pineaple. oh yes. a yummy ripe edible pineapple...
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
There must be some genetic anomaly. No one can be that sexy and have such pretty eyes and still have one of the most charming personalities. He's perfect, and I can honestly say that. :)

It gives me hope to know that guys are not all jerks.

Amen to all that!! This guy is just amazing!! Fellas - look, listen and LEARN!!!! :D
OMG!! I just squeed my head off for that picture. His so adorable in out of work clothes.

Question (because I'm an idiot and very tired): Does Flack ever say the words: "Would these eyes lie?" I have a very strong feeling he does but for the life of me I can't remember in which episode.
ahh Flack does in deed say that. He says it in the episode called Live or Let Die I think
and just cause you mentined it i must post the picture.

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