Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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hidinginmyeyes :eek: you posted VEIN!PORN!!!!
that is rather smexy! and of course, the fact that it is Flack makes it even more so.

and yes. Cahill_Fan i love that he's in yellow. it's a bit tasty alright!
I've been watching my season 2 DVDs and there are so many fun Flack moments. Stuff I'd forgotten about since I hadn't seen the episode in so long. What a fine man he is. Oh yeah.
My favorite Flack moment is when he reported the morphine-addicted doc to the AMA. Aww, Flack. Looking out for us.

Of course, in my crack world, it was because he wanted to make sure Dr. Feelgood never treated his gimpy wife...

Oh yeah, don't mess with Flack when his loved ones are involved. Flack will kick your ass, my druggy doctor friend. :p


Let's take it waaaaaay back in the day :p
You know Flack always gets the Hero Hubby Smex, since, you know, he's friggin' Flack. :lol: Who would turn that away? Who, I ask you? :lol:

I adore that second picture. He looks so...young. :lol:

This one makes me want to pinch his cheeks. :p

Guhh....nice gun, Flackie-my-boy...
*I* certainly wouldn't turn him away. In fact, he'd be late to work all the time 'cause he'd never leave the bed.

miracle casting. check the hair!! :lol: so cute



he looks good in blue! :D :)


blue lasers of hottnes!! :lol:

he's a pretty boy and he knows it!
"Of course, in my crack world, it was because he wanted to make sure Dr. Feelgood never treated his gimpy wife..."

Huh? Who's gimpy wife? Flack's? Is there a fic out there I missed? I'm trying to remember who wrote Flack with a Witch girlfriend, but I don't have the patience to search and find out. If anyone remembers, let me know.

Back to Eddie. He gives me butterflies in my gut and it's not just because he's so gorgeous. At my age it's half lust and half motherly adoration. I know that sounds weird but I'm a Gemini, what can I say? I may be old but I can still appreciate a man like him. ;)
:lol: afrikana there is some major eyebrow!porn in there! i mean seriously check them out! i'm sure he must get them trimmed back for CSI..cause i swear they aren't liek that on the show lol!

also, his hair is so emo in the casting pics hehe. emo!eddie is cute.
Huh? Who's gimpy wife? Flack's? Is there a fic out there I missed? I'm trying to remember who wrote Flack with a Witch girlfriend, but I don't have the patience to search and find out. If anyone remembers, let me know.

That would be me:D. It's total crack, but it's so much fun to write. Poor Flack married a magical, gimpy wife, and he spends him time trying to adjust to life with Levitating teacups and Killing Curses. Click my LJ link if you're really that interested. All the crack is tabbed.

But yes, Eddie is a lovely man. Not only is he hot, but he's smart. I want an Eddie, but my town is stuffed with Doofus Rufuses instead.
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