Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Eddie's first episode on Friends was on last night - what a great departure from Flack Tag is! I laughed when Rachel and Phoebe described him as "pretty." The best part of his portrayal is just how "d'uh!" Tag is. And they're right - he's just *so* pretty!
firefox27, That pic is from 'Heros' at the end of the episode where everyone is at the bar toasting Aiden. ;) I love that pic. Like the causal suit look. ;)
Damn! Eight more posts (well, seven now) till I can post pics. I plan to make up for lost time, too. So look forward to lots of Flack yumminess. Have to catch up with the Danny/Carmine pic collection.

That pic from Heroes is, I think, the only time we've ever seen Don without a tie and with his sleeves rolled up. Such a rare treat!
I think I have some pics from Miracle where he's in a hockey uniform. I'll have to look for them, though.

Yea, the pic from Heroes is great. Now only if there were more pics of him like that.
I can only think or one or two other times where he is not wearing the whole suit. Last week's episode at least saw him with out the jacket for awhile. Which was nice. ;) And we have seen him wear a blue lab coat for a scene in season 1.
I really want to get Glory Days on DVD. After I get Season 2!!! I have to wait till I can afford it. Waaaa!!!! But Glory Days is supposed to be pretty good.
I know. I was gonna go buy s2 today, but I checked my bank account and yea, I won't be able to buy it until Friday.

Chelliyah Those are just too cute!



What a beutiful, beautiful man. However, I can't complete this post without a photo of him on the infamous motercycle:


I'd love to ride him, er the motercycle :devil:.
Does anyone here read fanfic? There's a good story about Don and Angie Watson, the girl who dumped the gun in the garbage can in 'Live or Let Die'. The author just uploaded a new chapter and they are about to get horizontal. PM me if you want the link. It's a pretty good story.

Don was cute in the motorcycle scene. But then when isn't he cute, or handsome or sexy or... oh hell, I'm off to join the gutter girls!
^ Expect a fic for me very soon. I haven't read a fanfic that involves Flack in a very long time & smut is always good :devil:. Anyway, what good is this thread without photos:









:lol: The last one kills me. However, that pole pic that Fay posted is hilarious beyond words :lol:.
Angie Watson? I can't see Don being in a relationship with someone who's in jail. *scratches head* I read a short story with the pairing once, and it was alright, but I'm not sure about a multi-chapter one...

Anyway, love Don on the motorcycle. *fans self* :lol: And, of course, love him in a shirt and tie without the jacket. :p

So intense...*loses train of thought*
Here are the last ones from me before I head to bed:



And, since someone metioned his role as Tag Jones on Friends...



Rachel was so right when she wrote that he has a cute butt/tush :devil: :lol:.
"Angie Watson? I can't see Don being in a relationship with someone who's in jail. *scratches head* I read a short story with the pairing once, and it was alright, but I'm not sure about a multi-chapter one..."

I get what you're saying, but Angie is out in this story. Anyway, I liked it and thought it was well-written. I don't think she's done with it yet. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it in this thread since it's not the fanfic thread. Oh well.

I love the screencaps from Glory Days. I must get that on DVD!!!
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