Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Something tells me that Eddie is a terrible, but terribly endearing singer. :lol:

And I have no idea why I think that...
How about a shot of his lovely yet white chest heh:


That was when he played Carrie's boytoy on Sex & The City.


In this one it looks like he's a bit of a flasher which is something I could definitely deal with :devil:.
I've seen the Sex in the City episode. It was cute. I have the Friends episodes coming from Netflix along with that Law and Order SVU episode he was in. Looking forward to that!

i havent seen that first oen in AGES jorja! you sly minx you ;)

his shoulders are so dropyourjaw yummy.and wide enough for a certain pair of italian legs.

of course i have noo idea what i'm talking about :rolleyes:
I don't have any pics with the hockey uniform, but I do have this pic that has something to do with Miracle.

Aww, isn't he cutesy?

Gotta post the pole picture. :lol:

Let's go waaaay back...to season 1. :lol:

Gun and badge porn...if you're looking at that, of course. ;)

And here's a bigger promo from "Officer Blue" that is just guhhhhh...
Oh hell no, that picture you linked to is AWESOME! Goddess, he is so fine!!!
Aaww.. his so beautiful. I love him much!!! Csi Watcher.. from which episode is the picture you posted on page 20 from? The bar one? I think it's the killer combo of dazzling blue eyes, the short black hair (I'm a sucker for the blue eyes, black hair combo) and his smile. God, his gorgeous. I totally forgot about him being Carrie's boy boy... haha
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