Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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I didn't know he used to have long hair :eek: I've only started watching it quite regularly on living tv who show them in such a random order!
It's one of those "true or false" ones. He says something like "true or false. The designated driver can have one drink. False. The designated driver consumes no alcohol. CBS cares." Just one of those quick public service things but when you hear "true or false" you hear that voice of his and you break your neck looking up at the screen. Funny thing is I watch CBS all the time and I'd never seen that one. Now I'll be watching for it all the time!
Aw, that's so cute! I've never seen that one, but go Eddie! :D
Actually, you can watch it online. If you go to CBS's website and scroll to the bottom, there's a "CBS Cares" section. You can click on any of them and they'll link you the rest of the videos and you can find Eddie, Carmine, Gary, and perhaps Melina (I forgot if she did one). In order to get to the rest of the cast members' videos...you have to click on Eddie's and scroll through all the CBS cares to find them.

But hey! Eddie does two of them. :D
TV Guide Channel did a countdown of the Top 50 Hottest Guys on TV and Eddie was #30! Yeah, he should have been higher...but he was the highest ranked guy from all three of the CSI series! :D Go Eddie! :D
Woohoo, go Eddie! Despite his pattern on pattern attire while on screen...he still kicked all their butts. Must have been the eyes. ;)

Shame I don't have the TV Guide Channel. :(
I do but I never saw that. When was it on, and will it be repeated?
Ok, this thread is getting pretty far down the page. Can't have that! I can't post pics yet but if I could I would! Who's waiting till tomorrow night to see Flack with his collar unbuttoned? If anyone wants to read a fic about Flack and Angie Watson (Live or Let Die) let me know and I will send you a link. It's a cute story. Fluffy, not smutty.
^^Yippeee! Thanks for posting that! That's the only other time I've ever seen Flack with his collar open, but it looks like we will see that tonight. Woohoo! Flack/Eddie is my favorite and he tends to get neglected in favor of Danny/Carmine sometimes. I love Carmine too but we can't neglect Eddie!!! So thanks for posting this, and when I can post pics, I will!!!
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